ÐÁÐÉÌÉ Keywords: multiple chemical sensitivity - visual disturbances, arthritis, heavy metal level in blood, Edwin sarcoma, X-ray radiation treatment therapy, low blood pressure, dizziness, phobias, allergic reaction to alcoholic beverages and food, digesting fats, mucous, intestine, antioxidant treatment, detoxification, MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitive, swollen, open bleeding wounds, insomnia, bladder, Lead, Chromium, Linden pesticide, GCB, ear acupuncture, arrhythmia, Baker cyst, heart insufficiency, polyneuropathy, chronic bronchitis, Valoron pain medicine, endrodrive system, thrombosis, chronic constipation, candida yeast infection, mycosis, trematodan parasites, blood sugar, CFS, Lymphoma



Dr. P. L.



Case I
This patient who for almost 30 years of her life suffered from severe multiple chemical sensitivity, and visual disturbances that prevented her from driving a car achieved a dramatic recovery and reduction of heavy metal levels in her blood following use of the PAP IMI.

Patient: CG Female, 56 years old
Condition: Multiple chemical sensitivity, visual disturbances, arthritis
Date of patient interview: August 22, 1997
Interviewer: Paul A. L., Ph.D.
Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment:

At age of 14 patient had surgery for removal of Ewing sarcoma of the right hip. This was followed by x-ray radiation therapy of that area during which time the patient received an excessively high radiation exposure to her bladder and intestinal region. In later years the patient suffered from multiple chemical sensitivity and doctors felt that this had been brought on by this exposure.
Around 26 to 27 years of age the patient began suffering from low blood pressure, experienced bouts of dizziness, phobias, and psychological effects that changed her personality. Six months later she began having allergic reactions to alcoholic beverages and food. Consumption of one glass of an alcoholic beverage would cause her to pass out. She had trouble digesting fats. She would be sensitive to warm temperatures, which would cause her to sweat easily and would easily become chilled when the weather was cool.
Around 27 to 28 years of age, she began experiencing visual disturbances in which her visual field would at times rapidly fluctuate back and forth. The patient thought that she had developed a sensitivity to her mercury amalgam fillings.
In the years that followed her symptoms worsened. She developed intestinal problems. Her bowel movements were abnormal, being either excessively loose or constipated. She could not take prescribed medications for this condition due to adverse reactions to the medications. During these years she would regularly find blood in her urine.
Around 1973 when she was 32 years old she traveled from her home in Germany to the Mayo clinic with the hope of receiving a diagnosis for her unusual condition. Because blood was regularly found in her urine, the doctor concluded that her bladder was damaged, probably from the x-ray radiation treatment she had received in her teens. He assumed that the damage also extended to the mucous membranes of her intestines. But other than that he could find nothing wrong with her and suggested that she go to a psychiatrist.
At the age of 40 the patient removed her silver/mercury amalgam fillings and replaced them with gold/palladium fillings. This was not accompanied by any antioxidant treatment for heavy metal detoxification. After this her multiple chemical sensitivity condition deteriorated to the point that she could no longer drive her car. She was so dizzy that for a period of almost one year she stayed in bed. She noticed that at times she felt better and other times felt worse. In retrospect she noticed that her condition worsened when she moved into a new apartment that happened to contain materials that she was allergic to, such as particular flooring materials, carpets, paints, etc. A German doctor who had her answer a long list of questions concluded that she was suffering from MCS multiple chemical sensitivity.
She found that she had less problems with allergies to food and environmental chemicals when her intestine felt better, gave her less pain and less indigestion. She concluded that her problems worsened whenever the mucous membranes of her intestines became irritated. From her mid twenties until her early fifties the patient's MCS became progressively worse. By the age of 50 she was unable to use skin creams, soap, or any household cleaning agents.
Between the age of 52 and 53 she changed four of her gold-palladium fillings to fillings of pure gold. After this her condition deteriorated. Her tongue became swollen, white in color, and developed open bleeding wounds that were very painful. She began suffering from insomnia and her food allergy condition worsened. She could eat only a few foods without having allergic reactions.
After some months she took out all her new gold fillings and had them replaced with dental cement. At this point her condition improved as her problems partially went away. After one year her temporary cement fillings were replaced with porcelain fillings which also allowed her to maintain her partially improved condition. She concluded that there must have been a relation between her health problems and her fillings.
In March 1995 at age 54 the patient was tested for levels of heavy metals and pesticides. She was found to have abnormally high levels for:
Lead, Chromium, Linden pesticide, HCB, Formaldehyde.
The patient was unable to tolerate medications, including homeopathic medications. But during 1995 at the age of 54 she began ear acupuncture treatments one to two times per week and obtained some positive results. By the spring of 1996, she began to feel somewhat better.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
In March of 1996 Dr. Tsilimigakis began administering electric current therapy to the patient. She received this therapy two to three times per week for the first 4 to 6 weeks. This involved application of 30 to 60 volts in the form of 10 Hertz DC square wave pulses administered for about half an hour via gold plated acupuncture needle electrodes inserted about 3 to 5 millimeters into the web between the thumb and forefinger of each hand.
Then for a period of 3 to 4 weeks she began taking PAP IMI treatments in conjunction with this therapy. She received four PAP IMI treatment about once per week for half an hour each session, treating four or five parts of her body at each session. Regions treated included: teeth, thymus, lungs, heart, liver, pancreas, intestine, kidneys, and bladder. She took no vitamin or mineral supplements during this treatment.
She temporarily discontinued this therapy, and recontinued it in the fall of that year taking three treatments over a period of two months. She also took 5 to 6 PAP IMI treatments between January and March of 1997 and about 30 treatments, about one every other day, during June and July of 1997. Since that time she reduced the frequency of treatments because they began to make her feel exhausted.
Results: After she first began the PAP IMI treatment she realized that for the first time in her life something was going on and changing for the better, even though at that time she was still suffering from her symptoms.
After the 4th treatment, the arthritis pain in her two index fingers permanently went away and the inflammation subsided.
As her treatments continued, she progressively improved. She reports that the way she looks and feels is now 200% better than the way she was before the PAP IMI treatments. Her friends confirmed her assessment, saying that she has changed dramatically in her appearance and outlook on life. They affirmed that she was cheerful now, whereas before she was extremely depressed. Her fine cheerful condition was also quite apparent during this interview. The patient said that now, as a result of the PAP IMI treatments her visual disturbances have gone away and as a result she can drive a car once again for the first time in over 16 years. In fact, she now has the confidence to drive alone. Previously, others had to chauffeur her around.
She said that her food sensitivity also has improved, although she tries to keep to her restricted eating diet, she has found that she can occasionally eat foods that she was allergic to without a problem, although she would not be able to eat those foods every day. For example she could eat some strawberries once without a problem, but if she ate them 5 or 6 times in a row, she would react. She attributed this improvement solely to her treatments with the PAP IMI and said that since she has had these treatments her bowel pain, indigestion, and allergy-related headaches have lessened considerably.
She still has sensitivities to chemicals in the air. But blood test results have showed that the PAP IMI has dramatically lowered the levels of heavy metals and pesticides in her blood. The patient was retested for content of metals and pesticides in May of 1997. Heavy metal levels and pesticides were found to have dropped by a factor of two to four from their former high levels, with lead dropping by 30% (see comparison in table 1) Also a CEA RIA test for intestinal cancer indicated a level of 5.8, about half of the level of 11 that was found in a similar test conducted in 1992.

TABLE 1 Blood Levels of Some Heavy Metals and Pesticides

1995 1997
Lead 71 mg/l 49 mg/l
Chromium 2.6 mg/l less than 1 mg/l
Lindan (g HCH) pesticide 0.4 mg/l less than0.1 mg/l
HCB (Hexachlorbenzol) 1.5 mg/l 0.8 mg/l
DDE 5.7 mg/l (lower)


Clinical study of women greater than 65 years of age receiving PAP IMI treatment. Sample is totally inclusive; all three cases receiving treatment April to August 1997 are reported here.
Therapist: Susanne Graber

Case I-a:
Alleviation of heart insufficiency and significant reduction of pain from knee cyst

Patient: A Female, 80 years old
Condition: Heart arythmia and Baker cyst on knee
Date of case study: August 30, 1997
Therapist: Susanne Graber
Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment:

The patient suffered from several ailments:
1) She had a heart insufficiency condition for which she had been taking digitalis.
2) She had a baker cyst on her knee which had immobilized her knee and which had become very painful by April of 1997.
3) She had a bladder condition which required her to make frequent trips to the bathroom for urination.

PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
The patient began receiving half hour PAP IMI treatments twice per month from April through May and one treatment per week in June and July. Areas treated included the heart, liver, thymus, and knee with approximately 6 to 8 minutes at each location. The heart was treated at every session. During this time the patient received no other therapy.
As a result of the PAP IMI treatments the patient's heart condition improved to the point that she discontinued taking digitalis after her third PAP IMI treatment (June 7th) and since that time has had no problem with her heart.
For the first 4 months of PAP IMI treatment the patient did not receive much benefit from the PAP IMI treatments, but following a hip osteopathic adjustment and after receiving her fourth PAP IMI treatment in August, by August 23rd her pain had lessened considerably. The pain alleviation response may have been helped in part to the increased frequency of treatments that the patient was receiving in August.
The treatments reduced the swelling of the patient's knee and helped movement of her knee joint over a period of about 6 to 12 hours following the treatment. But the impairment would subsequently return again.
Initially, the patient's incontinence condition was reduced for a period of some hours following PAP IMI treatment. But by August her incontinence problem had entirely gone away stemming from the increased frequency of treatments in that month. (The bladder was treated at every session.) She experienced a brief period of uterine bleeding in August which the therapist attributed to a surgery which the patient had about 25 years earlier.
Skin resistance measurements were taken of a number of the patient's acupuncture points over the 5 months of her treatment and the average of these readings showed a cumulative drop of about three fold from 9500 ohms to about 3000 ohms. Research has shown that high resistance readings in the range of 9000 to 10,000 ohms correlate with very bad health, whereas readings in the range of 1000 to 2000 correlate with normal health. The patient's skin resistance measurements show that this indicator of her overall health improved almost to the normal range. Figure 1 presents skin resistance data for the various acupuncture points taken on April 5th, prior to her first PAP IMI treatment and on August 22nd prior to her 19th treatment. From left to right these correlate with the following acupuncture meridians:

Lu 11--lung, Di 1--large intestine, M 45—stomach,
MP 1--spleen/pancreas, H 9--heart, Du 1--small intestine,
B 67--bladder, N 1--kidney, KS 9--blood circulation/sexuality,
3E 1--endocrine system, G 44--gall bladder, L e1-liver.


Case I-b: Dramatic alleviation of polyneuropathy

Patient: B Female, 79 years old
Condition: Polyneuropathy of lower leg, chronic bronchitis, heart arrhythmia

Date of case study: August 30, 1997

Therapist: Susanne Graber

Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment:
The patient suffered from polyneuropathy of the lower leg. Her pain was so severe that she was considering euthanasia or suicide. The nerves of her leg were highly irritated, the patient described that the skin of her leg gave a burning sensation and had a prickly feeling as if being in contact with pieces of broken glass. This was accompanied by a restless leg syndrome, her legs moving involuntarily. As a result of this discomfort she could not wear socks or shoes.
In May of 1997 her condition became severe. Her sleep was disturbed.
Her condition would awaken her and she would have to sit with her feet up to alleviate the discomfort. Typically she would sleep for about 2 hours and would have to sit with her feet up for 4 hours. As a result, her sleep schedule became seriously disturbed. She took daily 300 drops of Valoron for her pain and in the evening took a barbiturate to help her sleep. These were not able to alleviate her pain and insomnia. Also she received B vitamin infusions twice per week.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis:
The patient began receiving PAP IMI treatments in June 1997. From June 18 to August 23rd she received a total of 7 treatments each lasting approximately (30 minutes) minutes. During the first session she treated each foot for 8 minutes. Thereafter she treated each foot for 4 to 6 minutes at each session. Other areas treated included 8 minutes to the thymus, 6 minutes to the liver and pancreas. Also she would sometimes give a 6 minute exposure to each lung and a 4 minute exposure to each kidney.
The PAP IMI treatment produced dramatic results.
Five hours after her first PAP IMI treatment she had one of her pain attacks, but after that her leg pain left her and since that time never has returned. Following her first treatment she was able to wear socks and shoes and after her second treatment was even able to go biking. She also was able to sleep through the night without waking. During the period she received PAP IMI treatments she stopped taking barbiturates and stopped the vitamin B infusions. Up to her seventh treatment in August she still had restless legs and the heat and prickly sensations, but these were subdued to the point that she could live with the discomfort.
September 19th follow-up: The patient called twice to say how good she feels and that her sleep was excellent. She reported that she had stopped taking her Valoron pain medication. She has continued taking crataegus and sometimes Legalon for her liver. Her heart arythmia condition was substantially improved. She takes crataegus for this. Also her bronchitis condition was alleviated, although it returns after she has smoked (which she does about once every two to three weeks).
Skin resistance measurements taken of her acupuncture meridians showed an approximately 2-1/2 fold drop in skin resistance in certain meridians (lung and large intestine, right spleen/pancreas, heart, small intestine, blood circulation/sexuality, endocrine system;
Lu 11, Di 1, MP 1, H 9, Du 1, KS 9, 3E 1); from pathologically high levels of 12,000 to 14,000 ohms in June to more normal levels of 3000 to 6000 ohms at the end of August (see figure 2).

Case I-c:

Patient: C Female, 70 years old
Dramatic alleviation of leg thrombosis and alleviation of chronic constipation

Conditions: Thrombosis in both legs, severe systemic mycosis (candidiasis), food allergies

Date of case study: August 30, 1997

Therapist: Susanne Graber

Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment:
The patient suffered from thrombosis in both lower legs. Her legs were swollen from the feet to the knee. She also was diagnosed with severe systemic mycosis. Blood tests showed the presence of a candida yeast infection. Due to this condition, she lost all of her hair. Also she developed allergies to most foods, being able to eat only a few types of vegetables. She suffered from constipation for about two years, being able to have a bowel movement only once per week. This difficulty was partly due to a drooping large intestine sigmoid loop left from a previous surgical injury. Her constipation appeared in conjunction with a mycosis after the patient had received a colon cleansing procedure. She was also diagnosed to have a trematodan parasite in her bowels.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis: As of the date of this writing the patient has received a total of 3 PAP IMI treatments at weekly intervals (August 9th to August 22nd), each treatment session lasting about 35 minutes. She received a 4 minute treatment to each groin lymph node and a 6 minute treatment to each leg, with the probe scanning the length of the leg. Other areas treated included the small intestine, liver, spleen, thymus, and occiput, with approximately 7 minutes at each location. During her second and third leg and groin treatment the patient's feet were electrically connected by allowing her to stand on two metal plates joined together by a conductive wire. In this way, the electric fields induced by the PAP IMI could more effectively produce an electric current circulating along the lengths of her legs.
Nystatin was prescribed for the patient for treatment of her candida condition. Also an electric current treatment (Dr. Clark device) and herbal remedies were given for her parasite.
The patient felt better after each PAP IMI treatment. In particular her leg thrombosis dramatic improved after her second and third treatment, the swelling being considerably reduced. Also after the third treatment, the patient reestablished regularity of her bowel movements. The patient experienced bouts of diarrhea, vomiting and fever, which the therapist interpreted as a very positive reaction since it suggested that her former constipated condition was breaking up. The vomiting and fever ceased completely after some days.
September 19th follow-up: The patient is very happy that she is now having a bowel movement every day. She feels that something has changed and is very optimistic. She is free of her parasite. She is still receiving treatment for her candida condition (taking myrrhe, extract from citrus/grapefruit, pau d'arco, and vitamin C) in place of Nystatin. She does the Dr. Clark electric current treatment every day and the PAP IMI treatment every week (following a two-week break).
Skin resistance measurements taken of her acupuncture meridians showed a 2-1/2 fold drop in average skin resistance from levels 76% above normal (12,000 ohms) on August 9th to levels 54% above normal (5000 ohms) on August 22nd (see figure 3). A young healthy individual will typically have a skin resistance of 1000 to 2000 ohms.

Case J.

Patient: D Female, age: 39
Partial alleviation of Lyme disease symptoms

Condition: Fatigue due to lyme disease infection, CFS (Epstein-Barr virus), herpes virus I/II, cervix cancer stage IVa, colitis, food allergies. Date of case study: September 19, 1997

Therapist: Susanne Graber

Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment: Patient acquired a lyme disease infection as a result of a tick bite in 1994. During the first year she became so weak that she was confined to her bed. She was unable to do her job, could not concentrate due to severe headaches which she had never before experienced in her life. She could not drive a car. She could not talk to anyone, could not even answer her phone. Due to allergic reactions to foods, she would get convulsions and diarrhea and as a result lost 8 kilos.
Every 6 months the patient went through a three week treatment regimen (Mayr-Kur). Her physician told her that he thought she had late stage cervical cancer and that she had a drug addiction problem. This treatment helped her a lot. She also took thymal extracts, antioxidants, and did the Clark-Cure treatment. But by the beginning of 1997 she was still tired and not able to concentrate for longer than a few hours. She was able to drive and do her job but was still very exhausted.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis: The patient began receiving PAP IMI treatments in April 1997. After the first treatment she felt much better, like her strength was coming back. During April and May she had four treatments, during June and July she had two treatments per week and subsequently decreased to one treatment per week. For her first two sessions, she received treatments of her thymus, liver, and uterus (8 minutes each). Also she treated her intestines. After two treatments to her intestines, the cramps were gone and during the past few months she has put on 6 kilos. She is now able to eat quite normally and to work for 10 hours or more per day. But she is still fighting to return to normal. She continues the PAP IMI and is now receiving treatments to her head, thymus, and spleen. From time to time she also receives treatments to her uterus, kidneys, and to whatever organ may be in need of treatment.

Case K

Patient: E Female, age: 49
Partial alleviation of alcoholism symptoms

Condition: malaise due to heavy drinking.
Date of case study: September 19, 1997

Therapist: Susanne Graber

Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment: The patient had poor health due to heavy drinking.
PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis: The patient received 5 PAP IMI treatments over a period of three weeks, exposing his liver, pancreas, spleen and thymus for 6 to 8 minutes each. The patient's blood chemistry improved significantly as a result of these treatments. Blood chemistry values before and after treatment read as follows:

Before After
GOT(ASAT) 37 17
GPT(ALAT) 47 28
gamma-GT 104 55

The patient appeared to feel much better following treatment.

Case L

Patient: F Female, age: 26
Alleviation of candidiasis, food allergies, and unstable blood sugar levels

Condition: Candidiasis, low blood pressure, unstable blood sugar level, allergic to most foods, lethargy.
Date of case study: September 19, 1997

Therapist: Susanne Graber Condition and Therapy Prior to PAP IMI Treatment: The patient was diagnosed with candidiasis, low blood pressure, unstable blood sugar level, allergies to most foods, and lethargy. PAP IMI Treatment and Subsequent Diagnosis: The patient received four treatments once per week. For her first session treatment was given to her thymus, liver, and pancreas, each for 8 minutes. This was accompanied by a candida treatment (myrrhe, citrus extract, pao d'arco). Five days after the treatment she got a fever and swollen lymph nodes and felt very weak. Two days later the patient came for her second session, still very weak. Treatment was given to her thymus, liver, pancreas, and intestine, each for 8 minutes. She was also given folic acid and echinacea. By the end of the second week she felt much better. Her fever was gone and her candida symptoms seemed to have disappeared. She could eat more and had gained two kilos of weight. For her third session treatment was given to her thymus, spleen/pancreas, intestine, and ovaries, each for 6 minutes. By the end of the third week she felt find and was planning to travel to Spain for a holiday. She has no more blood sugar problems and has started eating normally. For her fourth session treatment was given to her thymus, liver, pancreas, and intestine, each for 6 minutes.


(A letter from Paul)
1 Dec 1995 11:13:23 -0500
From: Lavstar@aol.com
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 1995 11:13:23 -0500
Message-ID: <951201111322_40631989@mail02.mail.aol.com>
To: Pappaspt@ibm.net
Subject: Lymphoma treatment

Dear Panos,
Chuck referred to a woman who just returned from Austria and had good things to report from Zimmerman on lymphoma treatment (see below). ..
Encouraging results have also recently come from Dr. Zimmerman who has used the machine to treat lymphoma cases in Austria. Prior to his present private practice, Dr. Zimmerman was affiliated with the Wittlingers Alpenbad Cinic which contains the School for Manual Lymph Drainage. Dr. Vodder who runs that clinic is a pioneer in the lymph massage technique which is now recognized all over Europe and is making inroads in the U.S. The physicians there had been using an ultra high frequency electromagnetic device in conjunction with their lymph massage technique, but now have found that they get far better results with the PAP IMI. Dr. Zimmerman says that he has had extraordinary and more rapid success with the PAP IMI device. Virginia Danner, who is the North American marketing director for the clinic and school who herself has lymphoma, has just returned from Austria where she spoke with Dr. Zimmerman and had 2 treatments with the PAP IMI. If you wish to hear about Zimmerman's enthusiasm directly from her, her number is (800) 642…. She lives only a few blocks from Cornell on Manhattan...

Best wishes, Paul


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