Keywords: Oxygenation, bi-polar magnetic therapy, liver cancer, radiology, abdomen, pelvis, metastases, intravenus injection, spleen, pancreas, kidney, adenopathy, intra-abdoinal, lymp nodes, enzymes, diopsy, intense oxygen therapy, hyperthermia, leisons in the liver, pump1= nuclear transmutation.



The above report is a photographic reproduction of page 14 of "The health Keepers Journal" of February 1995 issue, with kind permission of Dr Kurt Donsbach of Santa Monica Hospital. Bipolar Magnetic Therapy, is the name given to PAP IMI’s magnetic therapy, in Santa Monica Hospital. PAPIMI magnetic therapy and Oxygenation is one of the main modalities in this Hospital, 619-4828533, 1-800-3596547; ++46-515-820-28. The use of oxygen for the cancer tumor oxygenation is highly recommended together with PAP IMI’s exposures, for according to our theory, transmutation of Na to K requires electric and ATP energy, as well as oxygen synergistically, according to Louis Kervran’s nuclear transmutational (endothermic) equation:

11Na + 8O + Electrical Energy + ATP Energy = 19K

According to our views the above transmutation stands for the conventional sodium-potassium pump1 of the cells. In our view, the sodium potassium pump1 is actually a transmutation of Na inserted into the cell, and transmuted to K, in the presence of Oxygen and ATP, which ATP requires glucose and insulin to form. The transmuted Na is exerted out of the cell as K to be disposed away by kidneys and normal urination. When this transmutation is slowed, sodium concentration increases inside the cell and the transmembrane potential difference drops at a lower value, which is characteristic of cancer cells. Any factors, such as oxygen, energy, glucose, insulin, (potassium), which is also used by D.S. Pallares, may speed this reaction, and therefore, may also stop cell proliferation. (Potassium is not primarily speeding this reaction, but its use at the beginning of the therapy, may help to reduce the over-sodium concentration from the period which sodium was accumulated, not properly processed, according to the above equation, and created the cancer severe inflammatory state in the first place). After the severe inflammatory state is over, potassium, if was initially given, is strongly not recommended any more, and normal sodium diet instead should be administered). See details in our Cancer Theory, the Metabolic Method and Polarizing solution of D.S. Pallares (see, "Health and Stress, The Newsletter of The American Institute of Stress", n.6, p.1, 1997), more details to be presented shortly in our site.

pump1= nuclear transmutation.


P.T. Pappas, PhD.
All rights reserved.

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