With thanks to WDDTY 7.7.2010:
In the week that doctors have described homeopathy as ‘nonsense on stilts’, a Nobel prize-winning scientist has made a discovery about the nature of water that suggests the therapy does have a scientific basis.


Read Luc Montagnier Foundation proves homeopathy works

Read more about research on homeopathy


On 28 June 2010 during the prestigious 60 anniversary conference of Nobel Laureates held in Germany,Professor Luc Montagnier, a French virologist who won the Nobel prize for discovering a link between HIV and AIDS, has shocked fellow Nobel prize-winners by telling them that water has a memory that continues even after many dilutions.
The idea is one of the foundations of homeopathy, which maintains that the potency of a substance is increased with its dilution.
Professor Luc Montagnier has discovered that solutions containing the DNA of viruses and bacteria “could emit low frequency radio waves”. These waves influence molecules around them, and turn them into organised structures. These molecules in turn can emit waves.
Professor Luc Montagnier has discovered that the waves remain in the water, even after it has been diluted many times. Professor Luc Montagnier’s statement couldn’t happen at a worse time for doctors.
Last week, the UK’s British Medical Association (BMA) – the trade union of doctors – passed a resolution to stop homeopathy being made available on the National Health Service.
It also wants all homeopathic remedies to be placed in a special area marked ‘Placebos’ in health shops and pharmacies.
The NHS currently spends around £4m a year on homeopathy, mainly by funding four homeopathic hospitals in the UK. (Sources: Sunday Times, July 4, 2010; British Medical Association).
See a full explanation of ‘Homeopathic’ Signals from DNA by the Institute of Science in Society ISIS 31.8.10 and Read One Click’s analysis
Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won a Nobel Prize in 2008 for linking HIV with AIDS, last week made controversial claims that highly dilute solutions of harmful viruses and bacteria emit low-frequency radio waves, allegedly from watery nanostructures formed around the pathogens.
Similar claims have been made for homeopathic remedies. Homeopathy has been subject to periodic attacks from the mainstream medical and scientific community aided and abetted by uninformed journalist in the mainstream press eager to create a good impression with the scientific establishment.
The most difficult hurdle in getting general acceptance for homeopathy is without doubt the lack of an explanation, based on contemporary science, on why it would work. In my view, that is more important than getting double-blind, placebo-controlled data on efficacy.
Such an explanation is beginning to emerge, and Luc Montagnier’s research team may have provided some key obser vations.
Montagnier’s recent work, summarily dismissed in the New Scientist and elsewhere, has been published in two papers in 2009, and the evidence presented is clear and informative.
The first paper reports the capacity of some bacterial DNA sequences to induce electromagnetic waves at high dilutions in water , and appears to be a “resonance phenomenon” triggered by the ambient electromagnetic background of very low frequency waves.
Interestingly, genomic DNA of most pathogenic bacteria contain sequences that are able to generate such signals, suggesting that highly sensitive detection system might be developed for chronic bacterial infections in human and animal diseases.
The second paper follows up this suggestion, showing that it is indeed possible to detect the presence of HIV DNA even when the RNA of the virus has disappeared from the blood of people infected with HIV and undergoing antiviral therapy. Dr Mae Wan Ho, Institute of Science in Society