Dr. Nick Tsilimigakis, MD.
Therapies using Nuclear Resonance with
PAP IMI Device and Electrotherapy


Keywords: Cancer of Large Intestine - Ulcerous Colitis - Gastrectomy - Polypes of Large Intestine, Chemotherapy, Radiation, secondary metastasis to bones, left ischium, pelvis, Pain, oligospermia, loss of hair, diarrheic, Aracol Tablets, electrotherapy, Anaemia, Polypes, angiocholitis,

Date: 19/11/98
Translated by Christine Santas

The following cases, are referring to 3 recent medical cases, from the records of Dr. Nickolaos Tsilimigakis, for up-dating information of our internet readers. They concern the use of Nuclear Resonance effects with the PAP IMI Bio Magnetic Pulser Device.

CASE 1: M.M.
(Female, 60 years old)

In November of 1996, female patient M.M. was found with cancer in the large intestine. Because of the above finding, she had an operation, in which a significant part of the large intestine was removed. She also had a series of chemotherapies and radiations.

In the middle of 1998, after an axial tomography (CAT Scan), secondary metastasis to the bones on the left ischium and pelvis were found. The physical condition of the patient became very critical. Laboratory findings reflected a similar picture.

In February of 1998, She started receiving treatments with the PAP IMI Bio Magnetic Pulser Device, in combination with electrotherapy and vitamins supplements.

During the first month of the treatments a spectacular improvement of her physical condition became evident. There was also a significant reduction to almost elimination of all pains. This improvement continued during the second month. Significant remission also showed up at the hematological tests.

About 9 months later, at the beginning of November of 1998, the general condition of the patient, was almost perfect. The pathological examinations were at the level of a healthy person.

The frequency of use of the PAP IMI Device, was initially 4 times per week for a few months. Subsequently, treatments today (November 1998) were given, to the level of maintenance, which means 1 time per week.

Added note 22 January 2002. Today MM is completely healthy and completely cleared of all cancers, including the bone cancer that no longer, as a miracle, can not any longer be diagnosed. Details case 99.

CASE 2: G.S.
(Male, 30 years old)

Five years ago (in 1993), a male patient G.S., after having diarrheic evacuations, was found with ulcerous colitis. G.S. had cortisone and all known conventional treatments. Despite of all the possible conventional treatments, the clinical condition of the patient was not improving. As a result of that, G.S. lost 10 kilograms, had oligospermia, loss of hair and generally his physical condition became very critical.

The patient came to our center for treatments, on 1/10/98.

After 4 to 5 days from the beginning of the treatments, the patient's general condition became almost excellent and the evacuations were almost normal.

During the first 15 days, the patient showed a gradual enhancement in all his physical conditions, and a significant elimination of his diarrheic evacuations.

During the second 15 days, the improvement continued in all levels with a simultaneous increase of weight. For this reason, the dose of Aracol tablets which the patient was taking, were reduced, from 4 to 1, daily. At the same time, the frequency of applications of the PAP IMI Device and electrotherapy as well, were reduced from 4 to 1 time per week.

CASE 3: T.P.
(Male, 55 years old)

The above patient T.P., had a gastrectomy in 1964. Subsequently, Birus Anaemia and Polypes appeared in the large intestine. The patient had frequent attacks of angiocholitis with high temperature. His physical condition was very critical, so he was very often hospitalized.

He came for treatments to our center, on 10/10/98. He received treatments, with the PAP IMI Device in combination with electrotherapy, 4 times per week.

After 40 days of treatments, the patient did not have any more attacks of angiocholitis. He gained 5 Kilograms and his physical condition improved spectacularly. The treatments continue today (end of Dec. 1998), 2 times per week.

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