Three Reports on Dr Horkel's Treatment with PAP IMI Device
Arthritis and Pain.

Keywords: Finger, Knees, Ankles Arthritis, Pain, Long Term Unbearable Back and Leg Pain, Mobilat, swollen, inflammation, stiffness,

Translation from German by Korina Kalabaka

Karl Hoehenriedig 15.3.1998.

Kreiderstr. 136 b

81825 Muenchen

Tel.: 089-434246

Report on the treatment with the PAP-IMI device

For several years, (approximately 4 years), I have pain in the joints (arthritis) of my fingers, my knees and ankles.

To ease the pain in the joints of my fingers I was rubbing Mobilat into the affected areas. If I wouldn't treat my fingers with Mobilat, I get a strong pain in the joints. My fingers were so sensitive that I found it very difficult to hoist the shutters. I even had difficulties writing.

Because of the inflammation, the upper joints of my forefingers and my small fingers were swollen. For approximately two months now, I am getting a treatment with the PAP-IMI device in the office of Dr. Horkel in Starnberg.

The following is the result of this treatment;

At the first day of my treatment I came to Dr. Horkel with a strong pain in my fingers because I didn't put Mobilat on them. During and after the first treatment with the PAP-IMI device the pain decreased, what seemed to me to be a miracle.

After the second treatment with PAP-IMI I did not feel that much pain anymore.

My following treatments were first two times a week and after that once a week. I did not feel much pain anymore although I was not using Mobilat for my fingers.

After one week without the treatment of PAP-IMI, I felt small pain in the forefingers and the small fingers.This was a sign that I had to continue treatment once a week.

Finally I can say that the treatment with PAP-IMI has releaved my pain so much that I don't need a treatment with Mobilat anymore.

Karl Hoehenrieder



Karl Hoehenriedig Munich, 22.12.97

Kreillerstr. 136 b

81825 Munich

Tel.: 089-434246

Report on the experience of the treatment with the PAP-IMI device for the symptoms of arthritis.

For several years now, I have arthritis in my fingers, knees and in ankles.To ease my pain I used an ointment called Mobilat. Nevertheless in the past the pain was increasing . The fingers became stiffer and finally I was unable to contract them. The forefingers and the small fingers of both hands were swollen. I had many difficulties to hoist the shutters and to shovel away the snow. Even to write with a pen caused me a lot of problems. I was really  looking forward to better when I went to Dr.Horkel getting for treatment with electromagnetic exposures.


With the first treatment, I realized a decrease of pain and less pressure of the stiffness in the joints. It was a feeling of great relieve.

2. Treatment

With the second treatment, the pain was decreased dramatically which seemed to me a 'miracle". I only felt slight arable pain in the middle finger, the small finger of the left hand and between the thumb and the forefinger of both hands.

3. Treatment

Before I started the third treatment, I got another surprise. I could contract the fingers of the right hand except the small finger. These fingers weren't stiff anymore. After the third treatment, I also could contract the fingers of the left hand except the middle finger and the ring finger. The small finger, the forefinger and the thumb were free of pain. Over the weekend, my small fingers were slightly aching and I felt a little stiffness again. My knees were not aching at all. Further on, I felt a small pain in my ankles. Maybe, the electromagnetic exposure does not work right way at the ankles. For this part of the body, might need a longer period of Bio Magnetic Pulse treatments.

Altogether, I could say that I am very satisfied with the results.

The only question that came to my mind was whether the results will be lasting or not.

Karl Hoehenrieder



Mrs Elsa Norman came all the way from Norway to Stanberg in Bavaria, Germany, to have the Bio Magnetic Pulse treatments of Dr Horkel with the PAP IMI Device. Below is her report to Dr Horkel.

Elsa Norman,



Dear Dr. Horkel,

It is a great pleasure for me to report that the treatment with the PAP-IMI device did succeed and it had turned my life in a positive direction. First of all I would like to describe my condition before I got the treatment.

The basis for this description are some medical notes taken from the Vestfold Central Hospital dated September the 6th.

  1. Prolaps, disc L/5-SI
  2. After operation slipped disc L4/LS
  3. Strong" Gelenkfasett" L5/SI
  4. Central prolaps L3/L4
  5. After operation change of disc L4/L5 left side
  6. Clearly visible scar of the root surrounded by L5
  7. Maby rezitive prolaps of L5
  8. Disc L5/SI , little prolaps against right SI root
  9. Less feelings in the left foot

I started the treatment with low expectations. I did not have a lot of hope to recover my health because after seven years of unbearable pain you can imagine how skeptical I was about any treatment.

Therefore it is important to tell you how I felt during and after the treatment with PAP-IMI.

1.  After the second treatment I got a normal feeling in the legs which means my legs felt warm again.

2.  Between the second and the 6th treatment I had an intense pain in both legs and at my back.

3.  In the morning after the 6th treatment I woke up without any pain and I could get up without any feeling of stiffness.

This condition was lasting three weeks. I could wake and sit as long as I wanted without any pain anywhere During this period I didn't have to take any medicine and I could throw away my clutches.

4.  After my return to Norway I was exaggerating my work at home just because I was feeling very well. So unfortunately my left leg began to hurt again and I think that the pain was spreading from the scar to my leg. However the pain was not remaining constantly. It came and went as it came.My back was still free of pain - unbelievable !

When I get the opportunity I would like to continue the treatments with PAP-IMI Device, because, I only had good experience with it . Moreover it is a painless treatment which is also a very positive aspect.

Finally I would like to thank you for your support .You have made my life worth living again !

Elsa Norman


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