V5 Date of first posting 14/1/2009, present posting 30/1/2009.

Actually Politics in Science have been already extensively shown and published here in the section LECTURES-DIALEXEIS  in the Greek language. So, as a matter of fact, we shall present here an improved translation of it. It will posted gradually and in the usual practice of ours for avoiding farther delays, i.e., as the translation progresses. It will be subject to the standard money/papimi reward  "if you get us anywhere wrong", declared in our front page.

Our main example of politics in science will be shown by making obvious to anyone the impossibility of having a "Big Bang" for the creation of the Universe some 13.5 billion years ago or at any other time, any where, contrary to the generally suggested wrong theory for the creation of our Universe.
Instead, a continuous creation of matter and energy will be suggested, inside matter, and/or in the presence of energy which takes place in every star and every planet of our solar system, making our Universe to expand and become bigger with time.

This theory will be obviously different from Robert Hoyl's Theory of continuous creation of matter in vacuum.

Our Theory will follow the following principles

1. Matter creates nearly similar matter everywhere and anytime.
2. Energy creates similar energy everywhere and anytime.
3. Vacuum creates  similar vacuum.
4. Similar produces similar

Obviously, the above principles are against the fundamental principle of Physics and of the Theory of Relativity for the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.

The exciting thing here will be the promised reward  for any one who will prove us contrary wrong for the above, WILL BE ALSO VALID.
We also claim that the current counter suggested  relevant views are also maintained for POLITICAL REASONS.
So surely, We expect to have a lot of future fun and excitement with the orthodox, close minded and scared scientist.


Our main proof of the non existence of the "Big Bang" for the creation of our Universe,  before 13.5 billion years, will be based on the indisputable existence of deposits on the surface of the Earth or close to the surface, for example inside mountains.

Here the word deposit will be used not under the meaning that something was left there, but rather with the meaning of a mine which implies that something (the mine) just exists there. We say this having in mind the deposit of bauxite under the mountain of Parnassos near Delphi in Greece, one of the world's biggest bauxite deposits. This example is not exceptional but common and typical as many hundred thousands of deposits or mines on Earth.
This particular deposit as many others, should have come into existence recently and after the creation of the Earth, being on the surface of the rotating Earth, just under the surface of the mountain of Parnassos. The mountain of Parnassos is like a pin point seeing on the Globe of the Earth. The Earth makes a full rotation in 24 hours. This rotation is not new and existed since billion of years for the Earth, with a period of approximately 24 hours or less, which means the Earth was always rotating in the past, even faster, and will continuous to rotate in the future keeping its angular momentum above zero.

Now we are ready to make the argument of the impossibility of the theory Big Bang.
If all matter on Earth comes from the sky, as dust, from the Big Bang or intermediately from the explosion of a star which was formed previously by the Big Bang, as this theory claims, it is impossible for the bauxite of Parnasos to have been concentrated on pin point on a rotating Earth, falling from the sky. It would rather have formed a deposit on concentric circle line with axle of rotation of the Earth. Because no deposit on Earth out of the hundred thousands of deposits forms concentric circles on Earth, none of them has fallen from the sky on Earth. Therefore, none one of them has come from the Big Bang somewhere in the sky, some 13.5 billion years  or at any other time. So the Big has not created the Earth. Because the Earth is not an exception, the Big Bang has not created any heavenly body in the Universe.
So there was no  Big Bang with the meaning of creating the Universe ! Q.E.D. 
If matter on Earth, therefore, does not come from the sky, it has to be created from the inside of Earth.

As declared in the front page of the present web site, the above is subject to a hundred thousand reward..., if found in error.

Since matter on the surface of Earth is not coming down from the sky. the origin of this matter should be locally from Earth. The very fact that as a general rule. all left ancient monuments, buildings, structures are found covered by ground or they are underground the present surface level, generally at a rate of two meters per thousand years, independently of the location of these structures. either on the top of a mountain or on a plane. Ie, on the top of Lycion mountain in Peloponese, Greece, the Temple of Epicourios Apollon was found fully buried under ground with no possibility for the ground to have come down from a higher location. Similar case is the buried structures in Delphi, on the Parnassos mountain in Greece in hundreds of different occasions and locations. This proves that on the average the radius of Earth everywhere is increasing at a rate of two meters per thousand years. This rate of increasing Earth radius compares to the known fact of the rate of the continents going apart, as mathematically should had been expected for a globe with an increasing radius.

The extra ground covering up existing ground, either with structures or not, with no possibility for this extra ground to have been brought from a different location, proves that existing ground creates nearly similar ground. This is clearly an expression of the Theory of Continuous Creation of Professor Pappas.

... continuous with more details, numerous examples of the Theory of continuous creation of matter and energy from nearly similar matter and energy by Professor, Doctor Pappas.



Brain storming for expansion
Field of Gravity, Field of Morphogenesis, For classical Medicine nothing else other than matter, chemistry, materialistic physics exists. No Nuclear activity, No Frequency communication....

In ancient times. objects were falling always downwards with no exception as today. This seemed to be natural for the objects and no question was raised. No investigation was carried and no development of Celestial Mechanics was achieved, until Isaac Newton realized that the fall of objects downwards is special and exceptional and that there must be a cause that makes objects falling downwards. This cause was the field of Gravity created by the ||Earth and every object, proportionally to its mass. There afterwards, it was a matter of relatively short of time needed to explore Gravity and develop the whole science of celestial mechanics which until then Celestial Mechanics was unthinkable and nothing relevant had been developed for many many thousands of years until then.

Similarly, the proliferation and shaping of cells coming from a fertilized egg and their gradual differentiation according to precise positions in the proliferated mass, is considered natural and no questions are asked. At most, shaping and differentiation are attributed to the DNA code of the fertilized egg, a chemical chain characteristic of the fertilized egg.  But again, how may a chemical chain like DNA guide subsequent shaping and cell differentiation in precise position ? However, thisn process seemed to be a natural process, occurring always in similar situations, and no questions needed to be asked, like the downward fall was to considered to be natural and no questions should hab been asked. However, if we think in a similar way like Isaac Newton for the downward fall of objects, who attributed this fall to the field of Gravity associated with the Earth, then we should attribute the shaping of proliferation and the associated cell differentiation on something special associated with the fertilized egg. We call the causing the shaping and its relevant cell differentiation, the Field of Morphogenesis of the fertilized egg.

On the other hand, as there is no general principle known in chemistry indicating how a chemical molecule or chemical chain may guide other
chemical processes, DNA code can not be the concept of the field of Morphogenesis. DNA can not be, but nothing else than an identification code for the cells of the same organism with no possibility to guide other chemical processes.

Classical Biology and Medicine, following the extreme politics of a materialistic approach for which nothing else may exist for life other than strict chemistry and physics, ignores any consideration of any Field of Morphogenesis different than the existing chemical molecules.
Thus, Bio
logy, like this,  prohibits any farther relevant development of Morphogenesis as a non existing concept. Biology without a concept of Morphogenic field suffers from a serious scientific gap which prohibits its farther development to the phenomenon of life.

On the other hand, adopting such a new concept of a guiding field of Morphogenesis for Biology, it will be a matter of  short time to explore and discover this field of Morphogenesis, similar to the adoption of the field of Gravity for the celestial bodies, for which it was a matter of short time to develop the concrete science of celestial Mechanics in a short time interval in the human history. 



 Sodium Potassium Pump - The "Holy Cow" of Medicine and Biology



The diagram shows the classical model. It is based on the factual assumption that Na, K concentration outside a cell are 145 mM/L for Na and 4 mM/L for K. Inside the cell the relevant concentrations are 12 mM/L and 139mM/L. Thus the naive assumption is made that the cell membrane inserts Na and excretes K CONTINUOUSLY  at ratio 2 to 3 to keep it inside with a lack of positive charge i.e. -70 mV. This is impossible because at certain time all the K inside the cell will be depleted and the inside will be saturated with Na. UNLESS the Na inside the cell is turned into K by O. I.E.the Na is transmuted into K, utilizing Oxygen. This is the Pappas assumption showing in above Pappas model. The Pappas model explains all the observed facts.

1. The excess of exertion of K with the respect of the intake in the body of K, first found by Louis Kervnan.

2. Why hyperkalemia in the body causes death.

3.Na adds energy. Na is the basis of all energy drinks.

4. We add salt containing Na to all food containing K.

5. Most of human food contains salt, Na

6. Animals not getting salt get sick

7. Farmers provide salty stones for the animals to leak.

8. The word salary comes from the word salt containing Na. In difficult times the salt was precious and it was a mean of exchange thats the where the word salary comes from..

9. Na increases blood pressure, giving energy to the hart.

10  No practical water retention may be caused by a small amount Na. One molecule of Na retains six molecules of water.

11 Opposite roles of Na,  K O, Energy in animals vs plants.

12. CO2    is not a fertilizer. for plants


"... The sodium pump is a “Holy Cow”. Stay away from it. Nothing would be gained by making yourself a martyr ... "



References :

BENDING SCIENCE : HOW SPECIAL INTERESTS CORRUPT PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH     The book shows that ideological or economic attacks on research are part of an extensive pattern of abuse. This book reveals the range of sophisticated legal and financial tactics political and corporate advocates use to discredit or suppress research on potential human health hazards.    clickhere

Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact In America   .....But "information," however persuasive, is never neutral, and the purpose of this book is to expose the interests that underlie the "truths" we have come to trust. Particularly disturbing, the author notes, is that scientific and academic research, which has traditionally represented the disinterested pursuit of knowledge, is increasingly underwritten by corporate sponsors seeking to manipulate the results...    saved

Doubt is Their Product: How Industry's Assault on Science Threatens Your Health ....... This well-researched book by someone who truly knows the system is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the cozy relationship between industry and regulatory agencies on matters that affect the health and safety of our families and neighbors. The cited examples illustrate how, with the help of irresponsible members of Congress and other public officials, corporate greed can trump any sense of ethics, morality, and human compassion."--Neal Lane, former Science Advisor to President Bill Clinton and former Director of the National Science Foundation.........    saved ditp.htm

Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know And Don't Know About Cancer ..... Science historian Proctor discusses not only the war fought against cancer but especially the several wars fought over cancer. He notes several prominent, disturbing facts: despite 20 or more years of heavily funded and widely proclaimed cancer research, cancer has become the second-most frequent cause of death in the United States and other developed nations; the five-year survival rates for most cancers have not changed since 1972; and, alas, the incidence of some cancers has increased......    saved cawa.htn



Science in the Private Interest: Has the Lure of Profits Corrupted Biomedical Research?

Editorial Reviews

From The New England Journal of Medicine

The title of this book may scare some readers away. They shouldn't let it. Even as it takes an uncompromising stance on the need for scientific integrity, Science in the Private Interest is carefully researched and presents arguments from all sides of the issues under discussion. Case studies sprinkled throughout the book demonstrate that the main characters -- universities, large companies, and some academicians -- at times cloak monetary and career-advancing priorities in scientific clothing. Yet most of the pages of the book are not exposes of biomedical wrongdoing but explanations of the laws and regulations that govern how academia and industry interrelate. In Science in the Private Interest, Sheldon Krimsky explores how scientific discoveries made within academic walls can be translated into better lives for members of the general public. Without the profit motive to stimulate private investment in discoveries with potential application to human need, laboratory breakthroughs might be confined to the pages of a prominent or obscure journal. Yet that same profit-oriented motive introduces a new set of priorities, motivations, and cultural norms into university laboratories and academic investigations. One university official is quoted as saying, "The only thing wrong with tainted money is there t'aint enough of it." Is there a way out of the dilemma? Can corporate funding be made available to translate biomedical advances into beneficial products without allowing the money to distort the purity of scientific inquiry? In an important contribution to scholarly inquiry into university-industry collaboration, Krimsky considers the work of sociologist Robert Merton, who in the 1930s proposed a series of standards by which science should be evaluated. Merton suggested four norms of science. "Universalism" refers to the objective nature of science that transcends national, cultural, or institutional boundaries. "Communalism" stands for public ownership of the fruits of scientific investigation, holding that each scientific advance is built on past discoveries and should not become the private property of a person or institution. Merton's third norm is "disinterestedness," requiring scientists to perform and to interpret their work "without considerations of personal gain, ideology, or fidelity to any cause other than the pursuit of truth." Finally, Merton calls on scientists and their institutions to practice "organized skepticism," suspending final judgment on a discovery until all possible facts are at hand. Krimsky uses these standards to evaluate the state of scientific inquiry in the current era of growing private funding of universities and heightened corporate influence over academic behavior. He struggles with the applicability of Mertonian norms to modern reality. For example, is communalism (public access to scientific knowledge) an absolute yardstick of scientific integrity, given that industry has a reasonable right to patent products (a process requiring secrecy) that its funds help to develop? What kinds of discoveries merit the overriding of communalism? Is it proper to patent objects that already exist in nature, such as genes? Or should knowledge be treated as private property only for such inventions as the vacuum cleaner and the hepatitis B vaccine? This book is worthwhile reading for anyone interested in biomedical innovation. Thomas Bodenheimer, M.D.

Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved. The New England Journal of Medicine is a registered trademark of the MMS. --This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

Product Description

University science is now entangled with entrepreneurship, and researchers with a commercial interest are caught in an ethical quandary. Science in the Private Interest investigates the trends and effects of modern, commercialized academic science.



Medical Research for Hire: The Political Economy of Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials (Critical Issues in Health and Medicine) [Paperback]

Jill A. Fisher

Editorial Reviews


In Medical Research for Hire, Jill Fisher goes behind the curtain of the drug trial industry to tell an interesting and complicated story of what has gone wrong in pharmaceutical research. This well-crafted study offers those who seek justice in health care the rich detail and brilliant analysis they need to change a broken system. --Raymond De Vries, co-editor of The View From Here: Bioethics and the Social Sciences

Jill Fisher shows us the daily workings of neoliberal medicine that produce the 'gold standard' of clinical trials. Anyone concerned with the future of medicine--and with the testing of the pharmaceuticals we ingest--should read this well-crafted, provocative, and disturbing book --Arthur W. Frank, author of The Wounded Storyteller and The Renewal of Generosity

Medical Research for Hire presents a vivid and often disturbing picture of everyday life at the new frontiers of pharmaceutical drug development. In this timely book, Fisher sounds the alarm about the new economics of research, where volunteering to be a human subject may become the way for the poor to earn cash or for the uninsured to access medical care. --Steven Epstein, author of Inclusion: The Politics of Difference in Medical Research

Product Description

Today, more than 75 percent of pharmaceutical drug trials in the United States are being conducted in the private sector. Once the sole province of academic researchers, these important studies are now being outsourced to non-academic physicians.
According to Jill A. Fisher, this major change in the way medical research is performed is the outcome of two problems in U.S. health care: decreasing revenue for physicians and decreasing access to treatment for patients. As physicians report diminishing income due to restrictive relationships with insurers, increasing malpractice insurance premiums, and inflated overhead costs to operate private practices, they are attracted to pharmaceutical contract research for its lucrative return. Clinical trials also provide limited medical access to individuals who have no or inadequate health insurance because they offer free doctors visits, diagnostic tests, and medications to participants. Focusing on the professional roles of those involved, as well as key research practices, Fisher assesses the risks and advantages for physicians and patients alike when pharmaceutical drug studies are used as an alternative to standard medical care.
A volume in the Critical Issues in Health and Medicine series, edited by Rima D. Apple and Janet Golden


Trust Us, We're Experts : How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future  ................ You think that if a scientist says so, it must be true? In the early 1990s, tobacco companies secretly paid thirteen scientists a total of $156,000 to write a few letters to influential medical journals. One biostatistician received $10,000 for writing a single, eight-paragraph letter that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. A cancer researcher received $20,137 for writing four letters and an opinion piece to the Lancet, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and the Wall Street Journal. Nice work if you can get it, especially since the scientists didn't even have to write the letters themselves. Two tobacco-industry law firms were available to do the actual drafting and editing............       saved experts.htm     


Η ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΑΠΑΤΗ -  Η επιστήμη στην υπηρεσία των εταιρειών.  Αγοράσατε ποτέ ένα προϊόν επειδή ακούσατε στην τηλεόραση ότι κάνει θαύματα; Τα τηλεοπτικά ρεπορτάζ για την ανακάλυψη νέων φαρμάκων σάς γεμίζουν ελπίδες και αισιοδοξία; Ο Sheldon Rampton και ο John Stauber αποκαλύπτουν τους παγκόσμιους μηχανισμούς πίσω από τη χειραγώγηση των επιλογών μας, τον έλεγχο της κοινής γνώμης και του καταναλωτικού κοινού. Φαινομενικά ασύνδετα μεταξύ τους γεγονότα, που ελάχιστη ομοιότητα έχουν με την παραδοσιακή διαφήμιση, στην πραγματικότητα στοχεύουν στην προώθηση προϊόντων και την εξυπηρέτηση συμφερόντων: ειδησεογραφικά ρεπορτάζ που παρουσιάζονται ως ανεξάρτητα, ινστιτούτα έρευνας που ισχυρίζονται ότι είναι αμερόληπτα, μυστικοί χρηματοδότες και "ειδικοί" κομμένοι και ραμμένοι στα μέτρα των βιομηχανιών. Ποτέ ξανά δεν θα δείτε με τον ίδιο τρόπο τις τεχνολογικές και επιστημονικές ανακαλύψεις που προβάλλονται στις εφημερίδες και στα δελτία ειδήσεων. Και σίγουρα θα το ξανασκεφτείτε προτού εμπιστευτείτε τα λόγια κάποιου που σας παρουσιάζεται ως αυθεντία. http://entertainment.in.gr/html/ent/263/ent.67263.asp    saved here  here  and here.


http://www.ego.gr/mixanismoi.htm   saved mixanismoi.htm  

Παλιότερα κυνήγησαν τον γιατρό και ομοιοπαθητικό Διαμαντίδη, ο οποίος δικαιώθηκε μετά από πολλά χρόνια δικαστικών αγώνων ,εφόσον αποδείχθηκε ότι καμμία από τις κατηγορίες που του απέδιδαν δεν ευσταθούσε

........ Παλιότερα κυνήγησαν τον γιατρό και ομοιοπαθητικό Διαμαντίδη, ο οποίος δικαιώθηκε μετά από πολλά χρόνια δικαστικών αγώνων ,εφόσον αποδείχθηκε ότι καμμία από τις κατηγορίες που του απέδιδαν δεν ευσταθούσε ........ http://www.e-steki.gr/archive/index.php/t-6776.html    saved ak.htm

http://www.e-steki.gr/showthread.php?t=6776     http://newmagicrobot.wordpress.com/2      http://webcache.googleusercontent.com

http://www.ego.gr/diaplekomena.html   saved diaplekomena.html    http://www.ego.gr/interdigitating



Panacea is a non profit educational organization which deals with the training, consultation,protection and research into suppressed and alternative FREE energy technology.      http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/index.htm

Suppressed Inventions by Jonathan Eisen  To compile this book, editor Jonathan Eisen traveled the world in search of documented stories of scientific cover-ups, covert operations, and programs of deliberate misinformation, all designed to hide controversial inventions and discoveries, such as anti-gravity devices, limitless energy sources, results of cancer and AIDS research, and more. 40 photos. 30 illustrations. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. http://www.amazon.com/Suppressed-Inventions-Jonathan-Eisen/dp/0399527354/ref=pd_sim_b_1     saved si.htm

Forbidden Science: Suppressed Research That Could Change Our Lives Richard Milton Addressing issues surrounding scientific research, this book asks how fit areas for scientific research are determined and questions the role of the scientific establishment. Milton argues that modern scientific procedure is becoming ever more conservative and self-protective. http://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-Science-Suppressed-Research-Change/dp/1857021886/ref=pd_sim_b_3     saved fs.htm



DCA το φάρμακο του καρκίνου εμποδίζεται να κυκλοφορήσει





DCA - Cancer Cure - (No profit = no research)

No patent? No thankshttp://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/oldsite/article.asp?ID=5861

Patents Over Patients___Published: April 1, 2007http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/01/opinion/01moss.html?_r=1

There is a gap in the FDA drug approval process that costs lives around the worldhttp://www.thedcasite.com/Unpatentable_drugs_and_the_FDA.html

The real cancer http://www.workers.org/2007/editorials/cancer-0208/

This may be the biggest scandal to hit the medical world in years http://www.hiddenmysteries.net/gltest/article.php?story=20070203091842778

This may be the biggest scandal to hit the medical world in years   GOOGLE SEARCH






Cheap safe drug kills most cancers


Cancer Cured in Canada? Big Pharma Says NO WAY ! 



Ελληνικό «νυστέρι» σε μια ύπουλη νόσο


Κυριακή 22 Αυγούστου 2010 http://www.tovima.gr/default.asp?pid=2&ct=33&artId=349804&dt=22/08/2010

..... DCΑ (dichloroacetic acid), ένα φθηνό φάρμακο που κυκλοφορεί τα τελευταία 30 χρόνια για την αντιμετώπιση μιας σπάνιας κληρονομικής μεταβολικής νόσου και το οποίο βρίσκεται αυτή τη στιγμή σε φάση δοκιμών από την ομάδα του κ. Μιχελάκη ενάντια στον καρκίνο............

Διαβάστε περισσότερα: http://www.tovima.gr/default.asp?pid=2&ct=33&artId=349804&dt=22/08/2010#ixzz0yGXaPgnn


BHMASCIENCE   13 - 6 - 2010

Το φάρμακο κατά της εξάρτησης ανακαλύφθηκε στο... φαρμακείο!

Τα συμφέροντα

 ...................«Γιατί τόση άρνηση για τη βακλοφαίνη;» είναι το εύλογο ερώτημα. Ο δρ Αμεζέν καταθέτει τη δική του άποψη: «Κατ΄ αρχάς, αν όλα τα άτομα που έχουν διαφορετικές εξαρτήσεις πάρουν βακλοφαίνη,τότε πολλοί ειδικοί που έχουν για μόνιμους πελάτες αυτά τα άτομα θα χάσουν τη δουλειά τους. Παράλληλα υπάρχει και το θέμα όλων εκείνων που παρασκευάζουν και διακινούν προϊόντα που προκαλούν εξάρτηση. Και, τέλος, σημαντικό ρόλο παίζουν οι φαρμακευτικές εταιρείες,πολλές εκ των οποίων κυκλοφορούν σκευάσματα ενάντια στις εξαρτήσεις,ενώ αναπτύσσουν συνεχώς και νέα φάρμακα. Η βακλοφαίνη είναι ένα πολύ παλιό φάρμακο που δεν προστατεύεται από πατέντα και καμία φαρμακευτική εταιρεία δεν ενδιαφέρεται να διεξαγάγει δοκιμές γι΄ αυτήν»..........   http://www.tovima.gr/default.asp?pid=2&ct=33&artid=337346&dt=13/06/2010


Khosrow KASHFI NOSH-Aspirin vs Cancer






Mebendazole -- Inexpansive Cancer Cure?
