by Theodore Tsirigakis

Tel/Fax +3010-8087497

January 2002


Keyword: Multiple Macules, Incurable Macula.

Patient: Theodore Tsirigakis, Male 38 years old, PAP IMI Operator, Healer


Medical History: The patient’s ophthalmic macula appeared suddenly in 1999. During the past two years, he has suffered reoccurence of multiple oedemas development in both retinas of his eyes. The scars of the oedemas spread on the retina resulted in great picture distortion of the right eye, partial distortion of the lef eye, partial loss of color in both eyes and significant loss of vision in both eyes. The ophthalmologic results of the tests done at the Red Cross Hospital had shown (10/2000) 4/10 vision.

The patient’s macula condition was characterized inoperable and incurable by patients attending Medical Doctors. No medication was prescribed, nor any treatment was suggested.


 The patient decided to try reflexology with unclear results. In the summer of 2000, the patient developed multiple oedemas in his left eye again. After this episode, he had his last visit to his ophthalmologist who told him again that he should allow the oedemas to take their monthly circle by themselves, without anything else to offer. The patient then decided to try the PAP IMI treatments for his without help condition.


 PAP IMI TREATMENTS: The patient’s first fifteen minutes of PAP IMI sessions took place eight days after the onset of the macula and after the oedema’s activity in the area had calmed and  had quiten down. Two more sessions followed at four days apart. The patient placed the loop in all direction.

High: on top and back.

Low: at right, left and front.

The top of the loop was also pressed on in the middle, above the eyebrow.

The patient continued PAP IMI maintenance treatments every 15-20 days.

Results: The patient’s left eye oedemas were totally cleared using only PAP IMI treatments. Because of the significant progress in all aspects of the macula and the very fast results, significantly faster than expected, the patient decided to take test again at the same hospital by the same medical team. The test results ware as follows bellow.

·        The multiple oedemas of the patient’s left eyes were totally eliminated.

·        The retina was clear of scars and there were no traces left to indicate either previous or recent oedemas.

·        The patient recovered a clear picture with minimal distortion and with color recognition recovery to the patient’s color quality prior to the macula condition.

·        The patient recovered 10 to 10 vision.


Comments: Thus far, since the summer of 2000, no new oedemas have reappeared at the patients eyes and the treatment results at his left eye remain. There is no regression of either vision, picture distortion or color recognition loss and none of the old scars have reappeared.

Patient’s Suggestions: PAP IMI treatments every 2 or 3 weeks seem to eliminate oedemas reoccurrence. For best and most effective results for treating a macula oedema, PAP IMI treatments should start at least after the second day and best about the sixth day after the oedema development. Repetition of treatments should take place every fourth day until recovery and then followed every 2  to 3 weeks with preventive treatments.


Theodore Tsirigakis