Report by Rulla de Lucci

Fax/Tel. : +301-5232723                                   Jan. 2002


Keywords: Chronic Migraine Headache, Nausea, one PAP IMI treatment

Patient: J.L., Male, 46 years old.

Medical Diagnosis: Headache of Neurophytic or Unknown origin.


This is a report for a PAP IMI treatment offered to a friend while a PAP IMI device was still with my mother. See my previous report: “MY MOTHER'S UNEXPECTED BENEFITS FROM PAP IMI AT EIGHTY TWO”.



Patient’s headaches started suddenly, in 1988. They happened twice a month till 1995 and since then once a month. Patient’s migraines lasted for three straight days, occasionally two days. The migraine’s excruciating pain was intense and constantly pressuring his mineges. Any movement, sensory input, or any oral intake after the onset of the headache would cause nausea and vomit. The patient ate practically no food and drunk no water for three days, until the headache was over.



During the past 13 years, the patient visited several Eye doctors, Ears and throat doctors, Dentists, Neurologists and Physiologists. All the above medical specialists had required and practically exhausted all laboratory and diagnostic tests. Nothing was ever found to be specifically wrong with the patient. The M.Ds were unable to correlate his headaches with anything specifically. The patient’s headaches were unrelated to any food, alcohol etc. allergies, or to any physical and physiological specific condition – finally by excluding anything else, the headaches were characterized of Neurophytic origin.



The patient had tried all headache medications over or under the counter. Nevertheless, no one medication was ever effective in stopping the headache after its onset. The patient stopped all medication intakes, in 1997, after developing gastritis. The patient had to treat his headaches with his own “home” invented methods and treatments. He bought an isolated apartment to dedicate three days, nursing his headaches away from his family home. He isolated himself there during each of his 3-day headaches, in darkness, lying in bed and remaining in total stillness. After he would doze for a little while, then he would get up, vomit, wet his fingers in cold water and lie down again letting the headache take its course till its 3 days period were over.



The patient friend had his first treatment in early October 2001, six hours after the onset of his headache, in my mother’s house with the device my mother acquired to treat herself.

My friend was exposed to low intensity selection for fifteen minutes all around his head and his face.

My friend’s headache stopped within ten minutes.

My friend continued treatment for another 6 minutes at the lower left back side of his head, where he left a painful spot.


After the unexpected success to manage his “three day persistent killing headache” for the first time, my friend had three more provisional PAP IMI sessions, in October and November 2001.


COMMENTS: The “first, early October PAP IMI treatment” was the very first and only time during the last 13 years that this patient’s headache was able to be stopped after it had already started. The patient’s migraines did not return for the first time in 13 years, their monthly visits neither during October, November, December 2001 or early January 2002 (by the date of this writing). Currently this patient is putting up for rent his excruciating and night mare “headache” apartment for the first time after 13 years, too.