


Extrasensory EEG induction between identical twins :   Science v. 150 No 3694  October 15, 1965    CLICK HERE  


New Document : telepathy with twins    http://stargate.collection.free.fr/Elements/news.php3

........................ The aim of this subproject was to investigate Extrasensory Perception and particularly the telepathy with twins.........http://stargate.collection.free.fr/PDFs/MKUltrasubproject136.pdf


  This is a BCI experiment whereby one person uses BCI to transmit a series of digits over the internet to another person whos computer receives the digits and transmits them to the second users through flashing an LED array. The encoded information is extracted from the brain activity of the second user. This shows true brain-to-brain activity. This is done as a proof of concept - to show that B2B *is* possible - which it is, as we show here. The first person uses motor imagery to generate the digits and the flashing LEDS generate steady-state visual evoked potentials in the brain of the second person - the PCs read these data from the electroencephalograms of EEG person.


Information transmission under conditions of sensory shielding :    Nature  v.  251 - October 18,  1974   CLICK HERE

A  perceptual channel for information transfer over  kilometer distances :  Proceedings of the IEEE,  March 1976  v. 64,  Issue: 3  http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1454382     CLICK HERE

The persistent paradox of psychic phenomena: An engineering perspective
Proceedings of the IEEE -  Feb. 1982 - v.  70, Issue: 2   http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?arnumber=1456528

Mind at Large: the astonishing findings of two symposia sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception, containing strong and convincing scientific data for the existence of psychic abilities   www.espresearch.com/mindatlarge/ CLICK HERE      

 Dr Elisabeth Targ leading m.d. & clinical researcher on distance healing  http://www.energy-spiritual-healing.com/resources-links.htm

Crop Enhancement Research Field Study of an Enhancement Effect on Lettuce Seeds- Replication Study http://psi-researchcentre.co.uk/article_6.htm

The first US patent for a psi effect was granted to Princeton University researchers on November 3, 1998. Patent "US 5,830,064" is entitled: Apparatus and method for distinguishing events which collectively exceed chance expectations and thereby controlling an output. This patent specifically covers distant mental control of electronic random number generator outputs   CLICK HERE.  

Collapse of the state vector and psychokinetic effect   Foundations of Physics - Volume 12, Number 6 / June, 1982

On the quantum mechanics of consciousness, with application to anomalous phenomena 
Foundations of Physics ; Vol / Issue: 16:8   www.osti.gov/energycitations/product.biblio.jsp?osti_id=6936499

Biological Utilisation of Quantum NonLocality  Brian D. Josephson  and Fotini Pallikari-Viras
Paper published in Foundations of Physics, Vol. 21, pp. 197-207, 1991, (c) Plenum Press.      http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/biquanloc.htm click here
  or here

Consciousness, Information, and Living Systems (2005). Cellular & Molecular Biology, 51, pp. 703-714.   http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/CMBarticle.pdf

A method to explore the possibility of nonlocal correlations between brain electrical activities of two spatially separated animal subjects.  http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T2K-4BT1DGX-2&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=411bd6f5569cdf4f267114a764e823ea

Evidence for Consciousness-Related Anomalies in Random Physical Systems (1989).  Foundations of Physics, 19, No. 12,pp.1499-1514.   http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/Meta.pdf

Examining Psychokinesis: The Interaction of Human Intention With Random Number Generators ? A Meta-Analysis by Holger B?ch, Fiona Steinkamp, and Emil Boller,  Psychological Bulletin, 132, 497-523, 2006 www.ebo.de/publikationen/pk_ma.pdf

Google search  for    < distant intentionality > 

Jahn, R.G. (1988). Physical Aspects of Psychic Phenomena.  Physics Bulletin, 39, pp. 235-236.

Jahn, R.G., & Dunne, B.J. (1986) On the quantum mechanics of consciousness, with application to anomalous phenomena. Foundations of Physics, 16, 721-772.

Schmidt, H. (1963) Extrasensory perception or probability ?  Percept Mot Skills, 16,185-186.

Schmidt, H. (1971) Mental Influence on random events.  New Scientist, 24 June, 757-758.

Schmidt, H. (1982) Collapse of the state vector and psychokinetic effect.  Foundations of Physics, 12, 565-581.

Robert, C.S./ Turner/ A. EEG spectrum analysis techniques applied to the problem of psi phenomena. Behavioral Neuropsychiatry 1974, 6, 18-24.

Wackerman, J./ Seiter, C./ Keibel, H./ Walach, H. Correlations between brain electrical activities of two spatially separated human subjects, Neuroscience Letters  2003, 336, 60-64.

May, E.C./ Targ, R./ Puthoff, H.E.  EEG correlates to remote light flashes under conditions of sensory shielding. In Tart, C.T./ Puthoff, H.E./ Targ, R. (eds.). Mind at large: IEEE symposia on the nature of extrasensory perception. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 1979/2002.

Grinberg-Zulberbaum, J./ Delafior, M./ Attie, L./ Goswami, L. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox in the brain: The transferred potential. Physics Essays 1994, 7(4), 422-428.

Psi phenomena and methodology  CLICK HERE       rizes.jpg  CLICK HERE      to_pedio.jpg CLICK HERE



There is growing scientific evidence that  space itself can store information. Some scientists call this the "zero point field" or the "implicate order". Lynne McTaggart calls it "The Field". (Because it is a new concept to science every scientist will coin her or his own terms to describe it.) Regardless of what it is called we are mostly interested in what it does. Here is her description of how information might be stored in non-physical realms:

"Walter Schempp's explosive discovery about quantum memory set off the most outrageous idea of all: short- and long-term memory doesn't reside in our brain at all, but instead is stored in the Zero Point Field. After Pribram's discoveries, a number of scientists, including systems theorist Ervin Laszlo, would go on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval and read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium - The Fie1d. Pribram's associates from Japan would hypothesize that what we think of as memory is simply a coherent emission of signals from the Zero Point Field, and that longer memories are a structured grouping of this wave information. If this were true, it would explain why one tiny association often triggers a riot of sights, sounds and smells. It would also explain why, with long-term memory in particular, recall is instantaneous and doesn't require any scanning mechanism to sift though years and years of memory.

Dr. William Tiller recently published some research which suggests that human intent can be stored in physical structures. You can read a description of Tiller's research at:


Dr. Tiller has also worked with Dr. Vladimir Poponen, one of the researchers who discovered the "Phantom DNA Effect". I had an opportunity to discuss the Phantom DNA Effect with Vladimir a few months ago and he described it thus: First laser interferometry was done on a space for a baseline. Then the laser interference pattern was recorded from a DNA sample placed in the same space. Finally, the laser beam was sent through the same space again without the DNA in it to establish that the baseline was still valid.

The researchers expected that the first and last interference patterns would be nearly identical while the DNA interference pattern would show a difference. Unexpectedly the last interference pattern was a closer match to the DNA pattern than it was to the original baseline pattern in unoccupied air.

This result was so unexpected--that there was some sort of non-physical DNA pattern attached to the space--that they set up an automatic system to repeat the interferometry continuously for a month. They determined that the DNA interference pattern continued to occupy the space for the entire month.

These results were so astounding that they repeated this experiment four times in Russia and Vladimir has repeated it a couple times since he came to the United States.

The implications here are that this is evidence that there is a non-physical template for DNA. The great physicist David Bohm claimed that all of reality was a manifestation of something he called the "implicate order". The British biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake proposed that there was a similar biological template that he called the "morphogenic field".


Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human 'Paranormal' Events http://www.rense.com/general62/expl.htm  CLICK HERE     or here

The DNA PHANTOM EFFECT: Direct Measurement of A New Field in the Vacuum Substructure   by Dr. Vladimir Poponin    http://www.rialian.com/rnboyd/dna-phantom.htm   CLICKHERE    or here



Search  short- and long-term memory doesn't reside in our brain at all :



From the results, it is tentatively concluded that there exists a weak but significant correlation between the statistical processes operative in these experiments and the experimenter who initiates the processes.    http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?&verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=AD0667953

The Strange Properties of Psychokinesis   HELMUT SCHMIDT    www.fourmilab.ch/rpkp/strange.html

You don't come across many Nobel prizewinners who believe in the paranormal, but Brian Josephson is one of them http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/joseword.html   CLICK HERE 



Wishing for Good Weather : A Natural Experiment in Group Consciousness click here

Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 47-58 

Roger. D. Nelson -

Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research, School of Engineering/Applied Science, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544 Many human activities are affected by the weather, and there is a long history of rituals and ceremonial efforts aimed at controlling it. In modern societies, such efforts are largely vestigial and amount to informal hoping or wishing for good weather for special occasions. Reunion and commencement activities at Princeton University, involving thousands of alumni, graduates, family and others, are held outdoors, and it is often remarked that they are almost always blessed with good weather. A comparison of the recorded rainfall in Princeton vs. nearby communities shows that there is significantly less rain, less often, in Princeton on those days with major outdoor activities.

 http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/jse_papers/WGW%20i0892-3310-011-01-0047.pdf  click here    or here  


Relevant  video

Water: The Great Mystery 7/8 HD (FULL Documentary)  



Extract from the above video :  Professor Effe CHOW  click here


Evaporating Clouds Employing Eyesight & Intent- Alone


webpage : "Educate Yourself" .














The Visual Ray




Charles RUSS : Vision Ray Detector

Lancet 201: 222-234 (30 July 1921)

An Instrument which is Set in Motion by Vision or by Proximity of the Human body

By Charles Russ
(M.B. Lond., M.R.C.S. Eng., &c)

Although the force or ray I am about to describe emerges from the human eye, and is therefore physiological, the means I employ for its demonstration involve the use of electrical and magnetic instruments. The need for the scrutiny of experts in the science of physics was therefore obvious. I have had the great advantage of giving successful demonstrations of the work to experts in physics, including 5 Fellows of the Royal Society, besides Doctors and Bachelors of Science. None of these physicists found any mechanical or electrical fallacy which could account for the effects which I demonstrate as due to human vision. They do not so far identify the ray or force as being of a known or unknown type.

The fact that the direct gaze or vision of one person soon becomes intolerable to another person suggested to me that there might be a ray or radiation issuing from the human eye. If there is such a ray it may produce an uncomfortable effect on the other person’s retina or by collision with the other person’s ray; it is a fact that after a few seconds the vision of one or the other will have to be turned away at least for a short time. Numerous everyday observations and experiences seem to support the possibility of the existence of a ray or force emitted by the human eye, and in order to give my theory the support of some experimental evidence I decided to dry and find or create some instrument which should be set in motion by nothing more than the impact of human vision.

Description of Apparatus

Within a metal box (Fig 1) I suspended a delicate solenoid made of fine copper wire. This solenoid was wound on a cylinder of celluloid and suspended by a silk fiber (unspun silk) 14 inches long; the silk fiber was contained within a long glass tube mounted in the roof of the metal box. Its upper end was attached to a cork stopper and its lower end was furnished with a small metal stirrup into which the solenoid could be hooked. Attached to the stirrup was a small magnet consisting of a short length of steel wire magnetized by a steel magnet.

The box was 3 ft by 8-1/2 inches by 7 inches and lined with sheet aluminum. The far end of the box was closed by a sheet of window glass, and the near or observer’s end, was furnished with a thin glass r celluloid window which was also screened by a sheet of aluminum with a slot 3 in long and 1 in wide. A conducting wire connected the silk fiber with the aluminum of the box, which was earthed.

Method of Demonstration

The solenoid was held steady by the magnet which naturally came to rest in the magnetic meridian (Fig 1). If the human eye looks through the slot in the observing window and maintains a steady gaze at one end of the solenoid the latter will be seen to start into motion, which is usually away from the observing eye. If the gaze be now transferred to the true center of the solenoid the latte stops, and if the vision is now applied to the opposite end of the solenoid the latter moves in a reverse direction to the motion first induced. This maneuver may be repeated several times, each subsequent attempt being made only after the magnet has brought the solenoid to complete rest. Motion of the solenoid, though much reduced, was also obtained after interposing a column of water between the eye and the solenoid.

In view of later work it is possible that the solenoid is acting as one element of a condenser system --- the air in the box being the dielectric.

Early in 1918 I had been impressed by the rapid induction of motion of the solenoid immediately after its replacement in its box or case. This activity soon fades to a minimal value which can always be obtained. Thinking that such activity might be due to some electrically charged state, I constructed some light condensers and tested the effect of vision on them. The form of condenser used was a celluloid cylinder having strips of lead or aluminum foil adhesively fixed to its inner and outer surfaces in symmetrical arrangement.

A large condenser of this type was made, 5 in diameter, 5 in long, and weighing 10 gr. It was suspended within a glass bowl 10 in diameter by means of a silk fiber enclosed by a glass tube closed at the top end. The condenser was kept at rest by a small magnet fixed above it. The glass tube and its supporting platform formed an airtight cover to the bowl containing the condenser (Fig 2). The bowl was lined by aluminum foil except for small inspection areas at four diameter positions. For certain tests glass plates were also detachably mounted in a frame around the bowl with an air space between.

Although such a large condenser is only slowly set in motion by the human gaze, I decided to test the effect upon it of the body generally, and placed my hands on the glass case. I found the effect was much enhanced, for within about 20 seconds the condenser was set in rotation, and such motion might amount to 45 or even 90 degree. I noticed also that after producing this effect it only slowly returned to the zero position, in fact the return might require half an hour.

Time and Degree of Reaction

The latent period and the degree of rotation obtained depend on the presence or absence of the extra glass plates which latter are also covered with foil. While producing this effect the operator’s vision is assisting the rotation and also appears to determine the direction of the movement obtained --- i.e., whether clockwise or counterclockwise. To produce a rapidly acting model I suspended a sheet of celluloid 2-1/2 inch by 1 inch inside a glass beaker. The celluloid was covered with gold leaf over an area of 2 sq in on each surface, and was suspended by a silk fiber and furnished with a control magnet. The glass beaker was covered inside and outside by aluminum foil except for inspection windows. If two fingers are placed on the vessel for two or three seconds then removed the card is seen to rotate towards the side of the hand used to touch the vessel wall.

Possible Influence of Heat

At this point I will deal with the obvious possibility of heat being the cause of the motions described. Heat from the hands and body proximity is, of course, reaching the apparatus, and we know the delicacy of the heat-recording instruments at the command of the science of physics. I did not attempt to measure this heat, to measure this heat, but decided to apply heat to my apparatus. The results are shown in the following table, and I think the inference is that heat is inadequate to explain the effects observed. I found the effects much reduced, though not abolished, after surrounding the condenser by a jacket of water, paraffin, or methylated spirit.

Heating experiments of the cases containing the condensers were undertaken in two ways: (1) radiant heat from one or two candles 3 inches from the glass plates surrounding the large condenser (Fig 2) were almost entirely negative up to periods of six minutes; (2) Water heated to the temperatures shown in the table was placed in metal vessels against the glass plates, which were covered also with metal strips and areas of contact arranged were several times as large as the contact area of the human fingers.

After placing the hands on the metal area of the guard plates the condenser moves after 30 seconds and usually travels through from 10 to 15 degrees within two minutes. In the hot-water experiments there was no vision applied.

Hot Water in Metal Vessels on Sides of Case

Effects of Vision Alone

Glass Rod Method --- Remembering the activity referred to when replacing the coils and condensers in their cases, I decided to try the effects of charging them electrically by induction. If a glass rod rubbed with silk approaches the glass case (Fig 3) the condenser goes into rotary motion, and when this has ceased it comes to rest in the magnetic meridian.

It is now sensitive to vision, and may, therefore, not be looked at until it has come to rest. This moment may be ascertained by a glance at its reflected image in a mirror 10 feet away. When at rest its sensitiveness to vision only lasts about 30 seconds, depending on the force of the initial swing given by the rod’s approach. If the eye looks through the fluid and slot at the optimum period it will see the condenser go into active rotation which may amount to 30 or 45 degrees. The sensitiveness is brief and can only be renewed by recharging with glass rods.

This method is one I used at first, but it is difficult and not quite satisfactory when demonstration to others; I have therefore improved upon it.

Spot of Light Method --- A small mirror is fixed to the stirrup on the end of the silk fiber. This mirror moves with the stirrup and its attached condenser. Light from a lamp near by falls on the mirror and is reflected on to a scale (as in the reflecting galvanometer). This is a very good method of proving that the condenser (set in motion by the induced electric charge) has come to rest. The spot of light is seen to move off rapidly as the electric charge is induced and its to-and-fro movement can be continuously observed on the scale without the eyes being directed at the condenser. When the spot of light has been seen to come to rest it will be found that human vision now directed at the condenser sets it, together with the spot of light, into rapid motion, which may be so large as to take the latter quickly off the scale. Special; caution is, however, needed in connection with this method, for I failed repeatedly in trying to use until I had noticed that no light from the lamp must be allowed to fall on the condenser. This is easily managed by interposing a screen of black paper or the equivalent between the lamp and the condenser. The little mirror in the stirrup is above the level of the condenser, and the small beam needed to give the spot of light is easily provided and focused by means of a lens if desired.

Charge Plates Method ---

In Fig 3 the method is shown. Two metal plates are embedded in blocks of sulfur and mounted by the sides of the instrument. One is connected to the outer coating of a Leyden jar and is also connected to earth. The other plate embedded in the insulating sulfur is connected to the inner coating of the jar by a spring or chain and cap contact with the knob of the jar. The Leyden jar is charged by contact with an electrical friction machine giving several thousand volts. At the moment of applying this electrical pressure to the plates the condenser goes into active rotation. After a moderate charge from the Leyden jar this swing subsides and the condenser will be held for some minutes with its axis at right angles to the meridian. In this case the electric stress overpowers the magnetic pull. If the operator now looks into the open end of the condenser he will see its movement through 20-30 degrees; when the eyes are closed it returns to iis former position. Note must be made of the direction it takes. We know that left to itself the south end of the magnet will slowly turn towards the earth’s south pole as the electric stress fades. If vision of the operator causes the south end of the magnet to go towards the earth’s north pole. I call it an anti-magnetic effect. If, however, his vision causes the reverse motion it has the same value as an effect provided it is found on removing the force (closing his eyes) that the condenser (and of course its attached magnet) returns to the stressed position at right angles to the meridian.

An important point must be made of the primary swing. It is vital to the production of the sensitiveness to vision of the condenser. If for any reason there is no swing there will be no movement after vision is applied. In case the swing was operating by making in its passage through the air in the vessel a frictional charge on the condenser. I tested the matter another way. Taking a bar magnet and moving it round the glass case one makes the control magnet in the stirrup swing, and of course its attached condenser also swings. In this way no electric batteries or rods are used to set up the primary swing. The effect of sensitiveness to vision is still observable, though I think less actively than when using the Leyden jar method; but the experiment serves to emphasize the need of the swing and perhaps to throw light on the true nature of the vision effects. If repeated observations are made involving frequent charging of the plates the motion of the condenser becomes lazy under the static charge, but recovers after a little rest.

The electric charge will only hold for a few minutes on the jar and plates in damp weather. If dry conditions exist many vision effects may be obtained from only one charge. If, after charging, the condenser having come to rest, one discharges the jar by the insulated tongs, the condenser will show a rapid swing at the moment of electric discharge from the jar. By means of an accumulator and coil and spark gap I have tried to maintain the charge on the jar, so far with moderate success. As yet it is not easy to keep the condenser quite still, but when the apparatus is improved it will become independent of the humidity factor.

Controls and Precautions

This system of the stressed plates is an extremely sensitive indicator of an electrostatic change. The operator must be still and seated behind a glass or celluloid screen so that no water vapor from nose or mouth can reach the glass case. His eyes are closed and no movements of limbs or other objects must disturb the vicinity of the electric field. When told by the assistant (or seeing by the spot of light) that condenser is at rest, he will look at it and perceive that his vision has set it in motion, which can be measured on the scale. If the eyes are not opened or only the hand has been kept in the operating position there will be no effect. There must, of course, be no vibration of the room by traffic, or any mechanical disturbance of the supporting bench.

Darkness Tests

I did four tests which seemed to give a positive result, but many more such tests would be required before a decision could be made on this point.

Probable Nature of the Effect

There is an electrical change in the retina accompanying vision. There are also the electric changes in muscles when in action, and these will have associated electric fields. The eye muscles include the ciliary and iris and the oculomotor group. Whether the fields from these sources are adequate to account for the effect cannot be answered at present.

Heat --- Besides the evidence in the table the arrangements in Fig 3 probably exclude htis agency as a cause of the movement obtained.

Electrostatic Force --- A force of this type cannot pass a fine metallic grid, and may therefore be considered unlikely to produce the activity obtained

Electromagnetic Force --- This group of vibrations includes a large number of rays ranging from the x-ray to the wireless waves. The influence of light from the lamp seems suggestive of an influence of this type, but no critical tests have done on these lines.


Human vision can disturb the electrostatic state of an enclosed system. After the condenser has come to rest there must still exist a turbulence described. This turbulence appears to be reinforced or amplified by the applied vision, and is shown by (1) the activity shown by opening and closing the container; (2) the activity after rotating the condenser by the bar magnet; (3) the activity following the slight heating of the medium by the fingers on the guard plates; (4) the activity shown during the fading guard plates. Of course, at the time of operating these instruments by any use of the above methods the turbulence is not sufficient to cause motion --- i.e., the condenser has come to rest. Since the particles of any gas are always in motion it is probable that the effects of vision are only produceable when the turbulence of the medium is critical --- i.e., of a certain intensity. If the turbulence has fallen below this degree the activity to vision is lost. This latter point is shown by the fact that activity to vision is lost long before the sparking power has disappeared from the Leyden jar (Fig 4).

I do not propose to say more at present as to the probable nature of the force accompanying the act of human vision of which these experiments are the evidence. Instead I restrict the claim of my work to our possession of the instrument which affords the evidence of the force, and which is the limit of the title of this article. The only reference in the literature I have met was mentioned to me by a friend in 1919. It is a destructive criticism by Lord Kelvin of the word, by a French physicist on the Supposed New Force. After reading Lord Kelvin’s paper one must, I think endorse his view that te author failed to establish his views, as he would not even enclose his instruments to meet the objection of air or heat currents.

During the course of this work, which  has occupied spare time since December 1917, I have had the advantage of criticism and suggestions by my brother Prof Sydney Russ, Prof A. Porter, FRS, Prof Rankine, and others as to the physical aspects of my experimental arrangements.

British Patent # 124,288

( 24 March 1919 )

An Instrument Set in Motion and whose Motion is Controlled by the Human Eye, i.e., by Vision

This invention consists in an instrument which is set in motion and whose motion is controlled by the human eye, i.e., by vision.

The instrument is the practical embodiment determined by the results of experiments which have made to ascertain whether there is a ray or radiation proceeding from the human eye.

To this end a delicate solenoid of metallic wire is lightly suspended in the vicinity of two charged insulated electrical conductors and such solenoid can be set in motion and its motion controlled by the vision of one or both eyes directed at one or the other extremity of the solenoid. In an alternative construction, the solenoid may also be arranged as one of the electrodes (a movable terminal). The same effect is produced by arranging the solenoid in the vicinity of a magnet or electromagnet.

In a further modification the solenoid is suspended within the field of another solenoid  and the same effect is produced.

I have also been able to produce the motion of the solenoid by directing the vision at the solenoid through glass or celluloid.

The annexed drawing illustrates an example of construction of the instrument.

Within a metal or glass case a (or other draught proof device) I suspend a solenoid b of fine copper or thin iron wire by means of a silk thread or slender metallic cord or chain c. This solenoid hangs over but does not touch, a metallic disc d raised and electrically insulated from the floor e of the case.

An electrically insulated wire f is connected to the solenoid and another g to the disc, and by means of a battery h or other source of electric energy, each of them is electrically (statically charged. In this way, the air space between the solenoid b and disc d is in a state of electric stress, which is never great enough for a discharge (or spark) to take place. To this stressed zone the human eye will direct its vision and then the solenoid previously stationary will begin to move in a plane at right angles to its suspending fiber. This effect is best produced by directing the vision of one or both eyes at the one extreme end of the solenoid, and by steady gaze to follow in changing focus its steady motion. The reverse motion will be produced by transfer of the vision to the opposite end of the solenoid.

The foregoing is, however, only one method of producing the effect. The following are various modifications.

(A) The solenoid may be uncharged electrically if it is suspended by a non-conducting (i.e., an unsilvered) thread or fiber between two electrically charged discs, so as to hang within the zone of electric stress. It will move as described by vision directed upon it.

(B) The solenoid may be suspended within the field of a permanent or electromagnet.

(C) If the materials of the apparatus --- glass of the case --- solenoid and fiber are made sufficiently delicate, and draught, and forces such as heat from any lamps, extraneous to the apparatus are rigidly excluded, then there is no need for any electrical or magnetic force to be used. That is, the human eye is able to initiate and maintain --- up to fatigue point --- a small but definite motion upon a solenoid.

With all of the foregoing I use an enclosing case of metal or glass. If metal, the case is furnished with glass or celluloid windows which the vision traverses to produce the effect.




Colin A. ROSS
  Eye Ray Detector


Patent Application for Human Eyebeam Detection System Now Available on U.S. Patent Office Web Page

DALLAS, TX - Noted psychiatrist and author Colin A. Ross, M.D., today announced his patent application for a system to detect the electromagnetic energy emitted by the human eye. Dr. Ross has been researching a new science and medicine focused on the human body's electromagnetic field, which will be detailed in an upcoming book, "Human Energy Fields."

In his research, Dr. Ross has discovered proof that the eye emits electromagnetic energy that he calls an "eyebeam." He calls his invention an Electromagnetic Beam Detection System for which he has filed an application with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

"The experimental proof of the reality of the human eyebeam is crucial in developing the science of human energy fields," said Dr. Ross. "The existence of the human eyebeam has been dismissed by psychologists, physiologists, physicists and virtually all modern scientists. This represents a big step forward."

Dr. Ross' patent application for the EBDS can be viewed at:  http://patft.uspto.gov/ Click on: Publication Number Search Enter: 20090046246

Dr. Ross has also filed an international Patent Cooperation Treaty application. This is a step toward getting a patent in countries outside the United States.

In a written opinion, the International Searching Authority concluded that all aspects of Dr. Ross' invention are novel, are inventive steps and have industrial applications: "The industrial applicability of claims 1-25 is self-evident in the sense of PCT Article 33(4) because the subject matter claimed can be made or used in industry."

According to Dr. Ross' application, the electromagnetic beam detection system can be used as a switch and can turn on or off any electrical device. It functions like a clapper light, but uses the electromagnetic energy emitted through the eyes instead of the sound of a hand clapping.



USPA 20090046246


Colin A. ROSS

Abstract -- The present invention provides for a Line of Sight (LOS) electromagnetic beam (EM) detection system configured with an enclosure, a detection device, a processing device, a storage device, and a communication device. The enclosure may or may not be electromagnetically shielded from the surrounding environment. The enclosure may contain one or more detection devices and one or more portals configured for a user to look through. The detection devices may be a non-contacting, active-dry electroencephalogram (EEG) electrode or a high input impedance EEG electrode. The processing device may be a specifically programmed general purpose computer. The communication device may be auditory and/or visual. The storage device may store signals from the detection device for later analysis and statistical manipulation. In some embodiments, the LOS detection system may be used as a switch responding to interaction with a LOS beam emanating from an ocular cavity.






Current Patents

Dr. Ross holds one US Patent and one US Patent Pending. The electrode required to support these devices is in development. An initial prototype electrode is the basis of the qEEG printout below and published papers by Dr. Ross.

This Patent is for a system that captures the brain waves emitted through the eye, using an electrode that makes no physical contact with the body.

The system could be used in medicine, security systems, games, and other applications.

The sample EEG printout shows the brainwaves from a standard 20-lead qEEG. There are 20 scalp electrodes in standard positions: Fp1 and Fp2 at the top are two locations on the forehead. POz is an electrode positioned inside EM-insulated goggles just in front of the eye. Fpz is a control electrode suspended in space in front of the goggles.

The wave form of the eye electrode (POz) looks very similar to the two forehead leads. The two large V-shaped waves just before 7 minutes 35 seconds and 40 seconds in Fp1, Fp2 and POz are eye-blink artifact. The eye blink is absent in the control electrode, Fpz.

Fpz shows only background noise plus the heart beat registered by the reference electrodes attached to the ears. Both the heart signal and the background noise are absent from the eye electrode.

This EEG tracing proves that a physiologically active EM signal emerges from the eye and can be detected by an electrode that makes no physical contact with the body.

RES is working on developing a durable, practical electrode that can be used in medicine and other fields.

This Patent Pending is for a Whole Body EM Scanner. It includes several configurations: one that scans the entire body with the person lying down; one that scans the chest and abdomen with the person sitting up; and a smaller hand-held version that can scan any part of the body.

The configurations also include: a helmet that can take a standard EEG without any need for contact electrodes or paste; and a system that can take a standard EKG without any need for contact electrodes.

The Whole Body EM Scanner could be set for a digital readout, standard EEG or EKG output or a real time video output with the energy field displayed as different colors and intensities depending on amplitude and frequency.


         Human Energy Fields: A New Science and Medicine

        by Colin A. Ross, M.D.    


In previous books including Songs For Two Children, Spirit Power Drawings, Northern Canada and Literary and Anthropological Studies, Dr. Ross has described the experiential and philosophical aspects of his study of human energy fields.

In Human Energy Fields, Dr. Ross proposes that the human energy field - called chi, the human aura, the life force, or the human spirit in different philosophical systems - and the electromagnetic field of the body are the same thing. Dr. Ross outlines applications of a new science of human energy fields in many different areas including anthropology, medicine, agriculture, weapons development, security systems, physiology, and psychotherapy.

As an example of the new science, he proves that an electromagnetic beam is emitted from the eye, and it interacts with the outside world. This energy beam could be used to activate a switch that in turn could be connected to any electrical device on the planet. Emission of any form of energy through the eyes has been disallowed by western science for hundreds of years, but it can be demonstrated with standard electroencephalogram (EEG) equipment. Dr. Ross proves this scientifically in Human Energy Fields.

The science of human energy fields unifies eastern and western medicine. It provides a method for studying therapeutic touch, acupuncture, kundalini yoga, and many practices in alternative medicine and traditional




Consciousness and Anomalous Physical Phenomena (1995). PEAR Technical Note 95004, May 1995 (32 pages). http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/finalcap.pdf

FieldREGII: Consciousness Field Effects: Replications and Explorations (1998). J. Scientific Exploration, 12, No. 3, pp. 425-454.   http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/FR3.pdf

Field REG Anomalies in group situations  (1996). J. Scientific Exploration, 10, No. 1, pp. 111-141 http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/jse_papers/tenFRi0892-3310-010-01-0111.pdf

The Field by Lynne McTaggart :  The Field tells the story of respected frontier scientists all over the globe who have produced extraordinary evidence to show that an energy field connects everything in the universe.  http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~sai/McTag_field.htm 


Distant or Remote Healing 

Plates & Graphic material from the book  "The Geller Papers"    www.uri-geller.com/plates.htm 

The most far-sighted and competent scientists like Boyle, Faraday, Wallace, Weber, Crookes, Rayleigh, Langevin have seen fit to devote serious effort to Psychic research    www.uri-geller.com/books/metal-benders/h0.htm

Strange facts in search of a theory      http://members.aol.com/yggdras/paraphysics/facts.htm

Electroencephalographic evidence of correlated event-related signals between the brains of spatially and sensory isolated human subjects.  http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089%2F107555304323062293

Event-related electroencephalographic correlations between isolated human subjects.       http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089%2F107555304323062301

Replicable functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence of correlated brain signals between physically and sensory isolated subjects. http://www.liebertonline.com/doi/abs/10.1089/acm.2005.11.955

Correlations between brain electrical activities of two spatially separated human subjects : ..... correlations between brain activities of two separated subjects may occur, although no biophysical mechanism is known....   http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T0G-47CYB59-9&_user=10&_origUdi=B6T0G-49CT5FN-2&_fmt=high&_coverDate=01%2F09%2F2003&_rdoc=1&_orig=article&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=d62d27f1710494734bfe22fbe2f695a9

Evidence for Correlations Between Distant Intentionality and Brain Function in Recipients: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis

Evidence of Correlated Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Signals Between Distant Human Brains
Leanna J. Standish, ND, PhD, L. Clark Johnson, PhD, Leila Kozak, MS, Todd Richards, PhD

Replicable Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evidence of Correlated Brain Signals Between Physically and Sensory Isolated Subjects


STUDIES ON  MOON'S INFLUENCE - a partial list   click here








Google search : "External Qi of Yan Xin"

External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong differentially regulates the Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase pathways and is cytotoxic to cancer cells but not to normal cells    The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology   Volume 38, Issue 12, 2006, Pages 2102-2113 
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6TCH-4K8NWY5-1&_user=10&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=mlkt&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=79e0b3c028794e297fbc3633eb59a957 click here  

External Qi of Yan Xin Qigong induces apoptosis in estrogen-independent breast cancer cells through inhibition of the Akt/NF-KB pathway    Cancer Prevention Research 1, A16-, November 1, 2008. http://cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org/cgi/content/short/1/7_MeetingAbstracts/A16?rss=1 click here  or here

Opposite effect of the external Qi of Yan Xin Qigong on the Akt and ERK pathways in cancer versus normal cells: Differential cytotoxic effect. http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org/cgi/content/abstract/2006/1/1193-a  click here   or here       

Induction of apoptosis and regulation of gene expression in NCI-H82 cell line of small cell lung cancer by YXLST- external-Qi-engineered culture medium  http://www.aacrmeetingabstracts.org/cgi/content/abstract/2006/1/1162-c  click here   or here

.................Interested researchers from various departments of Harvard Medical School and MIT, including the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the Harvard School of Public Health, and MIT's Biology Department attended the recent Harvard-MIT Yan Xin Life Science Technology Research Conference. One of the most important announcements to the researchers at the conference was the successful killing of 21 types of cancer cells by Yan Xin Life Science Technology serial product XY-Yang Sheng Su, a powder supposedly treated with Qi, and the external Qi of Yan Xin Qigong. ..............  http://tech.mit.edu/V122/N1/1conf.1n.html clickhere  or here

What Is Qi?
James Flowers
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2006 December; 3(4): 551552. Published online 2006 October 23. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nel074.
PMCID: PMC1697751
| Full Text | PDF46K |  saved here

Ki: A Key to Transform the Century of Death to the Century of Life
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 September; 4(3): 287292. Published online 2007 March 12. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nem021.
PMCID: PMC1978229
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF96K | saved here

How Far Can Ki-energy Reach?A Hypothetical Mechanism for the Generation and Transmission of Ki-energy
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Tomoko Ohnishi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 September; 6(3): 379391. Published online 2007 October 25. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nem102.
PMCID: PMC2722212
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF1.1M | saved here

Philosophy, Psychology, Physics and Practice of Ki
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Tomoko Ohnishi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2009 June; 6(2): 175183. Published online 2008 January 28. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nen005.
PMCID: PMC2686635
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF177K | saved here

Ki-energy (Life-energy) Stimulates Osteoblastic Cells and Inhibits the Formation of Osteoclast-like Cells in Bone Cell Culture Models
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Kozo Nishino, Satoshi Uchiyama, Tomoko Ohnishi, and Masayoshi Yamaguchi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 June; 4(2): 225232. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nem037.
PMCID: PMC1876607
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF358K | saved here

Ki-Energy (Life-Energy) Protects Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria from Oxidative Injury
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Tomoko Ohnishi, and Kozo Nishino
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2006 December; 3(4): 475482. Published online 2006 June 8. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nel032.
PMCID: PMC1697750
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF584K | saved here

The Nishino Breathing Method and Ki-energy (Life-energy): A Challenge to Traditional Scientific Thinking
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi and Tomoko Ohnishi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2006 June; 3(2): 191200. Published online 2006 May 8. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nel004.
PMCID: PMC1475930
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF566K | saved here

Growth Inhibition of Cultured Human Liver Carcinoma Cells by Ki-energy (Life-energy): Scientific Evidence for Ki-effects on Cancer Cells
S. Tsuyoshi Ohnishi, Tomoko Ohnishi, Kozo Nishino, Yoshinori Tsurusaki, and Masayoshi Yamaguchi
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2005 September; 2(3): 387393. doi: 10.1093/ecam/neh116.
PMCID: PMC1193556
| Abstract | Full Text | PDF263K | saved here

Am J Chin Med. 2000;28(1):3-8.
DOI: 10.1142/S0192415X00000039

Seeds induced to germinate rapidly by mentally projected 'qi energy' are apparently genetically altered.
Bai F, et al.

Mentally controlled qi energy can induce crop seeds to sprout and root for several cm within about 20 min. The RAPD method was used to compare treated groups of wheat and pea seeds and their controls using 11 selected primers. Seven primers amplified polymorphisms in wheat seeds and 5 in pea seeds. It was thought preliminarily that qi energy changed the structure of a germination-correlated gene site speeding up expression and advancing it in time.

Asian Journal of Agricultural Research, 11: 33-35.
DOI: 10.3923/ajar.2017.33.35

Morphology of Cucumber Plants as Influenced by Pranic Agriculture
Srikanth N. Jois, K. Nagendra Prasad and Lancy D`Souza

Pranic agriculture is an ancient science and art of healing that helps in enhancement of plant growth. The aim of the present study was to understand the morphological qualities (plant length, stem diameter and fruit yield) of pranic treated cucumber. This study has given an insight into the changes in the morphology characteristics of the pranic cucumber as compared to the non-treated cucumber, referred to as control group. Increase in length of cucumber plants by 97% was noticed in pranic cucumber plants when compared to control. Also, pranic cucumber stem was 31.7% more diameter than control group. When group-wise yield was verified, pranic cucumber yielded 20.8% significantly more than control group. Further studies are warranted to evaluate the difference in nutritional composition of pranic and control cucumber fruits.

Am J Chin Med. 2001;29(3-4):393-401.
DOI: 10.1142/S0192415X01000411

Modulation of germination and growth of plants by meditation.
Haid M1, Huprikar S.

So called primitive peoples of the world share a philosophy that human interaction via ceremony or ritual can affect the natural world. Is it possible to affect the germination and growth of plants by imbuing them with an intent to stimulate or inhibit them? We conducted a double blind series of experiments to determine whether a process of meditation on the water (referred to as "treated") given to a controlled planting of green peas or wheat would affect their germination. Peas were given water treated with stimulating intent. Statistical analysis was done using contingency table, Fisher's test, and Mantel-Haenszel analysis. The germination rate of 504 seeds receiving treated water with stimulating intent was 60.3% compared to 51.8% for the 504 controls (p = 0.006, 0.047, 0.003 respectively). A similar experiment was conducted with wheat with the intent of inhibiting germination. The germination rate of 2970 wheat seeds receiving treated water with inhibitory intent was 70.7% versus 74.9% for 2970 controls (p < 0.001, 0.0001, 0.001 respectively). During the sixth run of the wheat (inhibition) experiment, the seedlings were harvested and individually weighed on the tenth day after planting to determine whether there was any difference in growth. The mass of the treated seedlings was statistically significantly lower (mean = 97 mg versus 106 mg for the controls) when compared by analysis of variance (p = 0.000056). We conclude that meditation upon the water supplied to green peas and wheat can affect their germination rates and growth.


Evidence for Correlations Between Distant Intentionality and Brain Function in Recipients: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis     http://www.saybrook.edu/downloads/news/060119publications/Achterberg.pdf

Marilyn Schlitz, PhD, and William Braud, PhD    http://www.noetic.org/research/dh/research/DistantIntentionality.pdf

Dr. Ross' Electromagnetic Beam Detection System Patent Application

Patent Application for Human Eyebeam Detection System
Now Available on US Patent Office Web Page

EGELY / VESELY : Experimental Investigation of Biological Induced Magnetic Anomalies  http://www.rexresearch.com/egely/egely.pdf

EEGs of healers  synchronizing with EEGs of healees :

Cade, Maxwell/ Coxhead, N. The Awakened Mind, 2nd ed. Shaftesbury, UK: Element 1986.
Synchronization of both hemispheres during meditation, healing; EEG synchronizations of healers and healees.

Radin, D. I., Stone, J., Levine, E., Eskandarnejad, S., Schlitz, M., Kozak, L., Mandel, D., & Hayssen, G. (in press). Compassionate intention as a therapeutic intervention by partners of  cancer patients: Effects of distant intention on the patients? autonomic nervous system. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing.

Schlitz, M. & Radin, D. I. (2007).   Prayer and intention in distant healing: Assessing the evidence. (Chapter 9). In I A. Serlin, K. Rockefeller & S. Brown (Eds). Whole person healthcare. Volume 2: Psychology, Spirituality, and Health, pp. 177-190. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger.

Radin, D. I. (2004).  Event related EEG correlations between isolated human subjects. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 10, 315-324.

Standish LJ, Kozak L, Johnson LC, Richards TJ. (2004). Electroencephalographic evidence of correlated event-related signals between the brains of spatially and sensory isolated human subjects. J Alt Comp Med; 10 (2): 307-14

Schmidt S, Schneider R, Utts J, Walach H. (2004). Distant intentionality and the feeling of being stared at: Two meta-analyses.  British Journal of Psychology, 95: 235?247

Schlitz, M., Radin, D. I., Malle, B. F., Schmidt, S., Utts, J. & Yount, G. L. (2003).  Distant healing intention: Definitions and evolving guidelines for laboratory studies.  Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 9 (3), A31-A43.

Schmidt, S. (2003). Direct mental interaction with living systems (DMILS). In W. B. Jonas, & C. C. Crawford (Eds.), Healing, intention and energy medicine: Research and clinical implications (pp. 23?38). Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.


Charman, Robert A. Placing healers, healees, and healing into a wider research context, J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2000, 6(2), 177-180.
Brief review article (18 refs)

Dilbeck, M.C./ Banus, C.B./ Polanzi, C./ Landrith, G.S. Test of a field model of consciousness and social change: the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi program and decreased urban crime, J Mind Behaviour 1988, 9(4), 457-486.
L and R hemispheric profiles synchronized 7-8 HZ, then group synchrony

Fahrion, Steven L., et. al. EEG amplitude, brain mapping, & synchrony in & between a bioenergy practitioner & client during healing. Subtle Energies 1992, 3(1), 19-52

Fenwick, B.C.P/ Vigus, N./ Sanders, S. The transferred potential (unpublished manuscript), 1998.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J./ Ramos, J. Patterns of interhemispheric correlation during human communication. International Journal of Neuroscience 1987, 36, 41-53.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J./ Delafior, M./ Sanchez Arellano, M. E./ Guevara, MA/ Perez, M. Human communication and the electrical activity of the brain, Subtle Energies 1992, 3(3), 25-41.
Pairs of subjects feeling affinity for each other, startle response as visual evoked potential in one registered in EEG of other.

Grinberg-Zylberbaum, J./ Delafior, M./ Sanchez Arellano, M.E./ Guevara, M.A./ Perez, M. Human communication and the electrical activity of the brain, Subtle Energies 1993, 3(3), 25-43.

Kelly, E.F./ Lenz, J.  EEG changes correlated with a remote stroboscopic stimulus: A preliminary study. In Morris, J./ Roll, W./ Morris, R. (eds.). Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, p. 58-63 (abstracted in Journal of Parapsychology, 1975, 39, 25) 1976.

Kittenis, M./ Caryl, P./ Stevens, P/ Distant psychophysiolocigal interaction effects between related and unrelated participants, Proceedings of the Parapsychologicl Association Convention 2004, 67-76.

Lloyd, D.H. (a pseudonym) Objective events in the brain correlating with psychic phenomena. New Horizons, 1973, 1, 69-75.

Millar, B. An attempted validation of the
Lloyd effect. In Morris, JD/ Roll, WG/ Morris/ R.L. (eds.). Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 25-27.

Millay, J. Multidimensional Mind: Remote Viewing in Hyperspace. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books, 1999.

Radin D. Event-related electroencephalographic correlations between isolated human subjects. J Altern Complement Med 2004, 10, 315

Radin, Dean et al, Effects of distant healing intention through time and space: Two exploratory studies, Subtle Energies 2000, 11(3), 207-239

Radin, Dean I. Event-related electroencephalographic correlations between isolated human subjects, J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004, 10(2), 315-323 (43 refs).

Sabell, A./ Clarke, C./ Fenwick. P. Inter-Subject EEG correlations at a distance-transferred potential. In: Alvarado, C.S., ed. Proceedings of the 44th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, New York, NY 2001, 419-422.

Seto, A./ Kusaka, C./ Nakazato, S. et al, Detection of extraordinary large biomagnetic field strength from the human hand during external qi emission, Acupuncture and Electrotherapeutics Research International 1992, 17, 75-94.
Hands of healers emit EM fields during healing, 2-30 Hz

Shealy, C. Norman/ Smith, Timothy/ Liss, Saul/ Borgmeyer, Vera, EEG alterations during absent healing,Subtle Energies 2000, 11(3), 241-248.
Healers directed healing to 110 subjects 100 feet to 160 miles away. Moderate to marked EEG changes were noted in all subjects, particularly in the portions of the brain targeted by the healers.

Standish, Leanna J./ Johnson, L. Clark/ Richards, Todd/ Kozak, Leila. Evidence of correlated functional MRI signals between distant human brains, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine 2003, 9, 122-128.

Standish, Leanna J./ Kozak, Leila/ Johnson, L. Clark/ Richards, Todd. Electroencephalographic evidence of correlated event-related signals between the brains of spatially and sensory isolated human subjects, J. Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2004, 10(2), 307-314.

Sugano, H./ Uchida, S./ Kuramoto, I. A new approach to the study of subtle energies, Subtle Energies 1994, 5(2), 143-165.
Multiple EM measurements show healer-healee interactions.

Zimmerman, J. New technologies detect effects in healing hands, Brain/Mind Bulletin 1985, 10(2), 20-23.
Hands of healers emit EM fields during healing, 2-30 Hz

 Brain imaging and healing  New imaging techniques enable us to study changes in brain activity in response to external stimuli and to internal states of awareness. Such brain mapping is pointing to particular parts of the brain that are activated during self-healing and healer healing.

Achterberg, Jeanne/ Cooke, Karin/ Richards, Todd / Standish, Leanna/ Kozak, Leila / Lake, James. Evidence for correlations between distant intentionality and brain function in recipients: a functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis,  J  Alternative and Complementary Medicine,  2005, 11(6), 965-971.

Lazar SW, Bush G, Gollub RL, et al. Functional brain mapping of the relaxation response and meditation. NeuroReport 2000;11(7):15.

Intersubject EEG coherence: is consciousness a field?   Orme-Johnson D, Dillbeck MC, Wallace RK, Landrith GS 3rd. Int J Neurosci. 1982 May;16(3-4):203-9.  EEG coherence was measured between pairs of three different subjects during a one-hour period practice of the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program. Coherence between subjects was evaluated for two sequential fifteen minute periods. On six experimental days, these periods preceded and then coincided with a fifteen minute period during which 2500 students participated in the TM program at a course over 1000 miles away. After the course had ended coherence was evaluated on six control days. It was found that intersubject coherence was generally low, between 0.35 and 0.4, with coherence in the alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (16-20 Hz) frequencies significantly higher than at other frequencies. On the experimental days, intersubject EEG coherence increased during the experimental period relative to the fifteen minute baseline period immediately preceding the experimental period. Coherence increased significantly from baseline to experimental periods on experimental days compared with control days (p = 0.02). This effect was particularly evident in the alpha and beta frequencies. The results reinforce previous sociological studies showing decreased social disorder in the vicinity of TM and TM participants and are discussed in terms of a field theoretic view of consciousness.

Field model of consciousness: EEG coherence changes as indicators of field effects   Travis FT, Orme-Johnson DW. Int J Neurosci. 1989 Dec;49(3-4):203-11.  Changes in EEG coherence patterns were used to test a field model that posits a common field of "pure consciousness" linking all individuals. In ten trials, EEG was concurrently measured from pairs of subjects, one practicing Transcendental Meditation (TM) and the other performing a computer task. Box-Jenkins ARIMA transfer function analysis indicated that coherence changes in the 5.7-8.5 Hz band, the band sensitive to TM consistently led coherence changes in the other subject's 4.7-42.7 Hz band. A clear relationship was seen among subjective reports, coherence patterns, and strength of intervention effects. These data support a field model of consciousness. Alternate explanations are explored.

































Bρήκαν πυραμίδα για ζωντανούς

 26/5/2010   v4.ethnos.gr

 http://www.ethnos.gr/article.asp?catid=11386&subid=2&pubid=13266973    SAVED vpgz.htm

Είναι 1.400 ετών και στην κορυφή της κατοικούσε η ελίτ της φυλής «E» 26/5
Εξαιρετικά ασυνήθιστη χαρακτήρισαν οι αρχαιολόγοι την πυραμίδα 1.400 ετών που ανακάλυψαν στο Περού. Η ακέφαλη πυραμίδα, που κατασκευάστηκε από τη φυλή Μότσε, λειτουργούσε για τους ζωντανούς και όχι για τους νεκρούς, ενώ μέσα της έφερε έναν θησαυρό αντικειμένων, τοιχογραφιών και ανθρώπινων λειψάνων.

Η πυραμίδα βρέθηκε στην περιοχή Χουάκα Κολοράντα, που μεταφράζεται «χρωματιστός λόφος». Ο επικεφαλής της ανασκαφής, καθηγητής Εντουαρντ Σβένσον του Πανεπιστημίου του Τορόντο, υποψιαζόταν την αρχαιολογική σημασία της περιοχής: «Το ήξερα ότι ήταν κάτι παραπάνω από ένας φυσικός λόφος - είχε τροποποιηθεί». Και επιβεβαιώθηκε.

«Η μεγαλύτερή μας έκπληξη ήταν ότι στο πάνω μέρος της πυραμιδικής αυτής κατασκευής βρήκαμε κατοικίες της ελίτ» συνέχισε ο καθηγητής Σβένσον προσθέτοντας ότι το φαινόμενο είναι σπάνιο. Ακόμα και για τους Μότσε, η χρήση των πυραμίδων ήταν τις περισσότερες φορές για ταφικούς ή τελετουργικούς σκοπούς, αντί για την καθημερινή ζωή.

Το δομικό σύμπλεγμα πιθανότατα κατοικούνταν από 25 ανθρώπους, ενώ συμπληρώνονταν από αυλές, κουζίνα, και βάσεις για «πάικα» - μεγάλα αγγεία για την αποθήκευση νερού και ζύθου από καλαμπόκι.

Πολλές τοιχογραφίες κάλυπταν τους διαδρόμους της κορυφής της πυραμίδας. Η πιο καλά διατηρημένη αναπαριστά έναν πολεμιστή των Μότσε, οποίος σύμφωνα με τον καθηγητή μοιάζει με «στρουμφάκι», και κρατάει ένα ρόπαλο. Ανάμεσα στις άλλες τοιχογραφίες, βρέθηκε η εικόνα ενός κάκτου με δύο κορυφές βουνών και το ουράνιο τόξο, και δύο ανθρώπων που μετέφεραν σε φορείο κάποιον τρίτο.

Βρέθηκαν ακόμα λείψανα τριών έφηβων κοριτσιών και μέρη από τις σορούς τεσσάρων ακόμα ατόμων -πιθανόν αποτελούν ίχνη ανθρωποθυσιών-, καθώς και μεγάλο μέρος χάλκινων αντικειμένων -μαχαίρια, σπαθιά, κιβώτια και κοσμήματα-, γεγονός που οδηγεί τους αρχαιολόγους στο συμπέρασμα ότι «η δύναμη αυτών των εκλεκτών ίσως να βασιζόταν στον έλεγχο της παραγωγής χαλκού».


Housing in Pyramid Counteracts Neuroendocrine and Oxidative Stress Caused by Chronic Restraint in Rats

M. Surekha Bhat, Guruprasad Rao, K. Dilip Murthy, and P. Gopalakrishna Bhat

Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 March; 4(1): 3542. Published online 2006 July 26. doi: 10.1093/ecam/nel049.

PMCID: PMC1810373   | Abstract | Full Text | PDF293K |   saved here

Housing in pyramid counteracts neuroendocrine and oxidative stress caused by chronic restraint in rats.  http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17342239


Effect of housing rats within a pyramid on stress parameters. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15332499

Influence of alignment of the pyramid on its beneficial effects. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17569288

Biological phenomena within a pyramid model--a preliminary study on wound healing. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10225034

Pyramid environment reduces the wound healing suppressant properties of dexamethasone in albino rats. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15266915


Analysis with Gas Discharge Visualization of the Possible Effects on Water in Different Containers
Abella A., Amorós A., González M., del Corral A., Peña J.  SummaryFull TextPDF



A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Reich’s Orgone Accumulator on Oats Seed Sprouting and the Structure of Water
Farashchuk N, Fomitchev-Zamilov M, Tsyuman Y  SummaryFull TextPDF









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Research Articles



HERA magazine (Rome, in Italian), in press (2002); invited article

The Great Pyramid as an Aether Wind Trapping Site

by Volodymyr Krasnoholovets    http://inerton.cjb.net 



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The Tom Bearden

Energy Density of the Vacuum

The energy density of the vacuum potential is enormous, even mind-boggling.  While scientists have estimated that energy by various means, a reasonable calculation is given by Wheeler and Misner in their Geometrodynamics.  In that calculation, Wheeler and Misner apply the formalism of general relativity to the zero point energy of vacuum.  The fabric of space appears as a turbulent virtual plasma consisting of particles whose size is on the order of Planck's lengthsome 10 -33 cm. The energy density of the electric flux passing through each particle is enormous:  It is 1093 grams per cubic centimeter, expressed in mass units (i.e., the energy per cubic centimeter has been divided by c2).

And that's just using the spatial energy density (the decompressed or ordinary energy).  The energy density of the vacuum is appreciably greater than what physicists normally calculate, because they do not calculate the additional time-energy density portion of the vacuum stress.  If we also allow for the time-energy (the compressed energy), we restore that c2 division factor, producing on the order of 10110 grams per cubic centimeter, orin energy termson the order of 10127 joules per cubic centimeter.

J. A. Wheeler and C. Misner, Geometrodynamics, Academic Press, New York, 1962.

 Tom Bearden comments:

There are many ways to extract energy from the seething vacuum. Unfortunately, at present our scientific community takes a bizarre stance.  In particle physics it is well known that the active vacuum is incredibly energetic. Calculations by leading physicists such as Wheeler show that a cubic centimeter of vacuum (about the tip of one's little finger in volume) has so much raw energy in it that, if condensed into matter, there would be more matter than is observable in the universe through the largest telescope! So even a tiny efficiency of tapping could and will extract all the energy anyone could wish.

However, in classical Maxwell Heaviside electrodynamics (as used in electrical engineering), the same scientific community now assumes in the model that the vacuum is absolutely inert!

The model also assumes that the local spacetime is flat, so no energy from curved spacetime can be forthcoming, according to that inane model. Then the model assumes that all EM fields, potentials, and every joule of EM energy in the universe is produced by their associated source chargesright out of nothing at all, with no energy input to the charge at all, but with continuous energy flow from it.


SILVERTOOTH: Experimental detection of the Aether

http://www.rexresearch.com/ether/silvertooth.pdf  silvertooth.pdf













Search  "short- and long-term memory doesn't reside in our brain at all" :



Medical Proof of mind and memory outside the body 1 of 2



 the above video as .3gp for mobile phones SOON !


Medical proof of consciousness and memory outside of the body 2/2



   the above video as .3gp for mobile phones SOON !






















remote viewer Joe McMoneagle, who worked back in project stargate at the stanford research institute, appears on a discovery documentary on mind powers.





Mr. Russell Targ
[deleted by webmaster for privacy]
Palo Alto, California 94301

Reference: P94-1192

Dear Mr. Targ:

     This is in response to your 20 September 1994 letter in which you presented an appeal of our lack of response to your 10 May 1994 Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act request for reports with the approximate titles, "Perception Augmentation Techniques, Stanford Research Institute, Final Report, 1973, 1974, 1975." You stated that "[t]he authors are Harold E. Puthoff and Russell Targ" and "[t]here would be at least two reports from 1973/4 and 1974/5."

      Your appeal has been presented to the appropriate member of the Agency Release Panel, Mr. Anthony R. Frasketi, Information Review Officer for the Directorate of Science and Technology. Pursuant to the authority delegated under paragraphs 1900.51(a) and 1901.17(c) of Chapter XIX, Title 32 of the code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), Mr. Frasketi has directed that a thorough search be conducted of those records systems which could reasonably be expected to contain documents responsive to your request. As a result of these searches, three responsive documents were located. Mr. Frasketi has reviewed the documents and has determined that the documents, reports dated 31 October 1974, 1 December 1975 and one undated, can be released in their entirety......





Matthew Manning is a world-famous healer who lectures and demonstrates his techniques all over the world. He has been involved in more scientific research and testing than any other healer in the world and has addressed the Royal Society of Medicine and spoken to MPs in the Houses of Parliament about his healing work. Regularly featured in the media, he is the author of One Foot in the Stars, his autobiography, No Faith Required, The Link and The Healing Journey.

"Matthew's abilities are literally beyond belief" - Sir David Frost

'Matthew Manning offers positive approaches - from techniques to control stress and bring relaxation to those which build and foster positive self-image. He sets no limits to where it can lead.' - Guardian

'He spent years being examined by scientists. These days he devotes himself to healing and is refreshingly non-evangelical about his work.' - Daily Telegraph

'Matthew Manning is an extraordinary man. I have seen many patients who have previously attended Matthew for healing; every one of them has gained considerably from their meeting with him. My many years of training as a doctor and anaesthetist have taught me how much we do not know about the body and its healing processes. Matthew's powers are not discussed in medical textbooks, but I can verify their efficacy from those of his patients I have met.' - Dr Brian Roet, formerly of Charing Cross Hospital, London

"Patients come from all over the world with problems ranging from back pain to secondary cancer. To give you an idea of the breadth of his constituency, the healer has been consulted by figures including John Cleese, Prince Philip and Maureen Lipman. Manning is modest, unpretentious and engaging. When he put his hands close to my back, the effect was like a two kilo-watt electric fire. The heat was coming through two layers of clothing and the canvas back of the chair. I turned instinctively to see if he was holding anything in his hands - he wasn't." - Robert Chalmers (Independant on Sunday)

"Matthew Manning has a remarkable track record of working at the interface between body and soul. His knowledge is outstanding in both breadth and detail." - Karol Sikora, MB, MA, PhD, FRCP, FRCR. Professor of Cancer Medicine at Imperial College and Consultant Oncologist At Hammersmith Hospital, London.

Reference ?The Healing Journey? - ? As he cites plenty of proof that emotional health enhances physical health, the NHS could do itself a long-term investment favour by handing out a free copy to every patient. - Extract from Publishing News ? Books of the Year ? 2001    http://www.matthewmanning.com/




Some of Matthew's Extraordinary and Inspiring Cases of Healing
In 1988, the Marquis of Tavistock had suffered a massive stroke from which, against all odds, he had survived. He was discharged from hospital about two months later, still weak from his ordeal and with a range of disabilities to overcome. In addition to being slightly paralysed on his right side and blind in his left eye, he had severe speech and memory problems. According to the Marchioness, her husband did not believe in healing but was encouraged to visit Matthew after he had helped a friend of his to regain his sight.

?I went along with him and sat in the room while Matthew put his hand on my husband?s head. He immediately felt warmth. And the really strange thing was that I could actually feel it too. After the first visit my husband looked incredibly peaceful, was very happy and said that he felt so much better. After further sessions he regained 80% of his vision in his left eye, which was the one that had been badly affected by the stroke, and his dysphasia ? which is being unable to find the word you want ? has improved immensely. He now believes.?

Elsa Nordhagen received healing from Matthew during a workshop in Norway. She had recently had an operation on her lower back that had left her in great pain. She had been driven to the workshop by her husband, spending the entire journey lying on the back seat of the car.

Elsa also had a frozen shoulder and, unknown to Matthew at the time of the healing demonstration, several tumours in her abdomen. After the healing she could move her arms freely and the pain in her back was greatly reduced. She went for a scan the following day and her doctor told her that the tumours were still there, though the largest of them was much reduced from its original seven centimetres. When Elsa went into hospital for surgery to remove the tumours, she insisted on having another scan. It revealed no trace of the tumours, and Elsa was sent home without being operated on. She has remained healthy for the last twelve years

Ricky visited Matthew after a biopsy confirmed cancer of the vocal chords. He then underwent a second biopsy for the surgical ?stripping? of the site of the cancer. His consultant told him that radiotherapy would be needed if there were signs of further invasion after his throat had settled down from the biopsy. After a healing session with Matthew he wrote,

?When I saw you, I told you that I felt something happening in my throat during the session and that when I concentrated something in my head seemed to be ?in tune?. Once I was in the car, I tried my voice ? amazing! Pavarotti won?t have sleepless nights yet, but what a difference! When I got home I tried it out on the family and they were speechless, which makes a change for them. Now I can order a pint in a pub without being ignored.?

Ricky returned to hospital for a check-up after his second healing session with Matthew. His throat specialist described as ?quite remarkable? the speed and degree of healing that had taken place in his throat. He had several further healing sessions ?just in case the Phantom of the Opera croaks and gets stuck in the chandelier?, and was eventually discharged by the hospital.

We brought our four-year old daughter to you after an Ear, Nose and Throat Consultant had run tests on her that showed dramatically poor hearing levels. His ?blanket? answer during the consultation was that surgery to include adenoid and tonsil removal and ear grommets being fitted was the only way forward.

You worked with Katy three times, and today we saw the Consultant again. A perfect result was attained during the hearing test and the Consultant was absolutely speechless. Her hearing is now 100% perfect and her adenoids and tonsils are fully normal.

Needless to say, my wife and I are over the moon and can?t thank you enough. Up until a couple of months ago I have to admit that I was a total sceptic where matters involving your gift were concerned. I now feel fully sure that you are a gifted and kind-hearted man with powers to help people in need. This is the third separate occasion that consultations with you have resulted in positive results for my family and close friends in the last couple of years.

The feeling of elation we feel today is the exact opposite of the one we felt a few months ago when Katy sat on my knee. When I covered my mouth and asked her to repeat some words she could not do it. She was effectively lip-reading to compensate for her hearing loss.

  Mim Umney-Gray came to Matthew for healing in 1996.

?Around 1980, I had been prescribed glasses for reading and since then my eyesight had deteriorated to such an extent that by 1996 I was not only wearing glasses for reading, and the prescriptions were getting stronger and stronger, but I was also wearing contact lenses with glasses for driving and I was seeing less and less well. I got to the stage that I felt as though I had permanent net curtains in front of my eyes.

After the healing I started getting a very bad headache and didn?t know how I would drive home. On arriving home, I went straight to the bathroom and removed my contact lenses. I?ll always remember it ? it was a lovely summer?s evening and as I walked into the garden to see my husband I discovered that I could see so vividly and clearly.

Every stick of straw on the thatched roof of my neighbour?s cottage stood out clearly and everywhere I looked was so incredibly bright and clear. I have never worn my contact lenses or spectacles since! My long distance and middle distance sight is fine, clear and vivid. With regards to near sight, I can now read without glasses and have indeed thrown them away.?

Maire had suffered all her life from extremely bad hay fever during the spring and summer. After healing sessions with Matthew she was able to report that she had been free of all symptoms of the allergy ?that had been my companion for so long. I should add that, as a bonus, I?ve had no headaches since the healings and, curiously, I have also grown taller ? by 1 & HALF inches!!?


Lara was born in 1997 with three holes in her heart. Her parents felt that Matthew?s healing ?could make all the difference and prevent her having surgery.? After healing sessions during 1998, the holes all closed up of their own accord. ?We can barely remember her as a ?vulnerable? baby and will always be grateful for the healing you gave her,? her parents wrote two years later.

Anita Ridley, a young woman in her thirties, had undergone spinal surgery in 1994 after it was discovered that she had a spur of bone growing into her spinal cord, a prolapsed disc, and a narrow spinal canal. She was left with internal and external scarring, very restricted movement, and had considerable nerve pain in her legs.

After a healing session with Matthew she wrote,

?I feel wonderful. My back feels free and flexible. I feel that my legs have undergone a transformation. I had been restricted, depressed, and uncomfortable for so long that it feels sensational being able to touch my toes again. Indeed, since yesterday, I have touched my toes at least ten times because it feels so good. Quite how I?m able to do that with a fused, arthritic back, I don?t know!?

 Writer Guy Playfair describes an interesting experience of healing with Matthew in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research in 2001: ? In 1982, I was relieved of the effects of a slipped disc suffered seven years previously, having tried every form of treatment imaginable.
My SPR colleague Dr Ian Fletcher, an experienced orthopaedic surgeon, told me the week before my session that my lunar nerve would regenerate very slowly, and it could be a long time before I regained the use of the fourth and fifth fingers of my right hand. In the event, I regained them after some twenty minutes of healing from Manning and have suffered no relapse since. Dr Fletcher, in whose expertise I have total confidence, generously admitted that my sudden improvement was, in his words, ?inexplicable in medical terms.?

In his book Healers and Healing, journalist Roy Stemman writes about one of Matthew?s healing demonstrations: ?He invited a handful of sufferers, whose conditions lent themselves to demonstrable improvement, to join him on the platform to receive treatment. Some members of the audience seemed mesmerised by his bold turquoise, blue and black zig-zag patterned designer jacket, as well as being intrigued by what was or was not happening to the patient. There is no denying that he achieves results. Kay Sinclair had been involved in a car crash in 1996.

She?d driven into the back of another vehicle at 30 mph and she was suffering a lot of pain, had difficulty raising her left arm and experienced a pins-and needles sensation when she did so. She was also unable to bend forward more than halfway. Manning?s healing power got to work on her, and when he had finished, Miss Sinclair happily demonstrated a new-found freedom of movement and the disappearance of pain.

Nearly a year later I phoned her to check whether the improvement had been maintained or was just a one-minute wonder. ?I experienced a dramatic feeling that day and there was no doubt that I was cured,? she recalled. ?Within a month I took a holiday to Jamaica, which I had been dreading because I didn?t know how I was going to manage carrying my suitcase and travelling that distance. But I had no trouble at all. Now, I occasionally get tension in my neck, but nothing like the pain I suffered before seeing Matthew Manning.

Dan Hutchison had lost over 60 pounds in weight and was suffering from extreme fatigue when he was diagnosed in 1984 as having a tumour the size of a small melon attached to his right adrenal gland. It had also spread to his liver. ?Statistics showed that nobody with this form of cancer had survived, and I was told to put my affairs in order.

I went to see Matthew Manning twice a day. After the first visit I came out and saw that my daughter had tears streaming down her face. ?Dad?, she said, ?you?re carrying your walking stick,? ? Dan later told BBC TV. In 1992 he got a letter from the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, where he was originally diagnosed and which had sent him away telling him to put his affairs in order. He had never gone back to the hospital, and had said he didn?t want a scan or X-ray because if the tumour was still there he?d worry about it, and if it wasn?t that was fine. The hospital invited him for an MRI scan and he now accepted. The doctors discovered that the tumour had completely gone and all that remained was some scar tissue. Dan sadly died of a massive stroke in 2003.



The Healing Journey
Drawing on his own work, the research and experiences of leading healers, doctors and medical scientists around the world, he provides a ground breaking guide to achieving optimum health, well being and happiness.Matthew explains how our emotions and environment are integral to our health and examines the amazing benefits of nutrition, prayer and positive thoughts. He offers insight, inspiration and solid information for everyone who wants to improve their health and overcome illness.

"The book is really excellent - a great bridge between the orthodox and the unknown"

Professor Karol Sikora,

Consultant Oncologist.

 Hammersmith Hospital,












An introduction to the work of the Harry Edwards Healing Sanctuary, founded in 1946 by the world renowned spiritual healer Harry Edwards.


Bluebells Cancer Support Centre  http://www.harryedwards.org.uk/bluebells.html



Tom Bearden



Part Two:  A Theoretical Background for Understanding PT, UFOs, and Psi Phenomena


Some Unexplained Mysteries of Physics
Uri Geller  
My Approach to Psychotronics 

  1. Reality as a Paranormal Bridge with Two Ends
  2. A Fundamental Correction to Classical Logic
  3. A Physical Example  
  4. New Definition of Zero  
  5. Einstein's Postulate   
  6. Synchronicity of Concepts

Primitive Perception  
Two-Slit Experiment  
Photon Quenching of the Paranormal (Time) Channel.  
Raindrop Model of Quantized Change.  
Kindling Effect  
Bioenergy Collectors  
Psychometric Effect  
All Mass Is Charged:  Everything Is Electrical  
A Funny Thing About Electromagnetic Field.  
Extinguishing Electrical Currents.  
Death Transmission Via the Paranormal Channel.  
Disease and Death Induction  
Dynamic Thought Constructs: Biofield Mechanisms
Psychotronic Devices: A Simple Space (Quiton) Amplifier
Typical Hieronymus Device  
Another Kind of Hieronymus Device and the Inceptive Cyborg Effect  
Probability: Throw of a Die  
Negative Time  







People / Researchers



    Forbidden Science: Suppressed Research That Could Change Our Lives

   Richard Milton

Addressing issues surrounding scientific research, this book asks how fit areas for scientific research are determined and questions the role of the scientific establishment. Milton argues that modern scientific procedure is becoming ever more conservative and self-protective.


 saved fs.htm




www.debunkingskeptics.com  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Suppressed Inventions by Jonathan Eisen  To compile this book, editor Jonathan Eisen traveled the world in search of documented stories of scientific cover-ups, covert operations, and programs of deliberate misinformation, all designed to hide controversial inventions and discoveries, such as anti-gravity devices, limitless energy sources, results of cancer and AIDS research, and more. 40 photos. 30 illustrations. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. http://www.amazon.com/Suppressed-Inventions-Jonathan-Eisen/dp/0399527354/ref=pd_sim_b_1     saved si.htm


BENDING SCIENCE : HOW SPECIAL INTERESTS CORRUPT PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH     The book shows that ideological or economic attacks on research are part of an extensive pattern of abuse. This book reveals the range of sophisticated legal and financial tactics political and corporate advocates use to discredit or suppress research on potential human health hazards.    clickhere

Tainted Truth: The Manipulation of Fact In America   .....But "information," however persuasive, is never neutral, and the purpose of this book is to expose the interests that underlie the "truths" we have come to trust. Particularly disturbing, the author notes, is that scientific and academic research, which has traditionally represented the disinterested pursuit of knowledge, is increasingly underwritten by corporate sponsors seeking to manipulate the results...    saved

Doubt is Their Product: How Industry's Assault on Science Threatens Your Health ....... This well-researched book by someone who truly knows the system is a must read for anyone who wants to understand the cozy relationship between industry and regulatory agencies on matters that affect the health and safety of our families and neighbors. The cited examples illustrate how, with the help of irresponsible members of Congress and other public officials, corporate greed can trump any sense of ethics, morality, and human compassion."--Neal Lane, former Science Advisor to President Bill Clinton and former Director of the National Science Foundation.........    saved ditp.htm

Cancer Wars: How Politics Shapes What We Know And Don't Know About Cancer ..... Science historian Proctor discusses not only the war fought against cancer but especially the several wars fought over cancer. He notes several prominent, disturbing facts: despite 20 or more years of heavily funded and widely proclaimed cancer research, cancer has become the second-most frequent cause of death in the United States and other developed nations; the five-year survival rates for most cancers have not changed since 1972; and, alas, the incidence of some cancers has increased......    saved cawa.htn

Trust Us, We're Experts : How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles with Your Future  ................ You think that if a scientist says so, it must be true? In the early 1990s, tobacco companies secretly paid thirteen scientists a total of $156,000 to write a few letters to influential medical journals. One biostatistician received $10,000 for writing a single, eight-paragraph letter that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. A cancer researcher received $20,137 for writing four letters and an opinion piece to the Lancet, the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and the Wall Street Journal. Nice work if you can get it, especially since the scientists didn't even have to write the letters themselves. Two tobacco-industry law firms were available to do the actual drafting and editing............       saved experts.htm

Η ΜΕΓΑΛΗ ΑΠΑΤΗ -  Η επιστήμη στην υπηρεσία των εταιρειών.  Αγοράσατε ποτέ ένα προϊόν επειδή ακούσατε στην τηλεόραση ότι κάνει θαύματα; Τα τηλεοπτικά ρεπορτάζ για την ανακάλυψη νέων φαρμάκων σάς γεμίζουν ελπίδες και αισιοδοξία; Ο Sheldon Rampton και ο John Stauber αποκαλύπτουν τους παγκόσμιους μηχανισμούς πίσω από τη χειραγώγηση των επιλογών μας, τον έλεγχο της κοινής γνώμης και του καταναλωτικού κοινού. Φαινομενικά ασύνδετα μεταξύ τους γεγονότα, που ελάχιστη ομοιότητα έχουν με την παραδοσιακή διαφήμιση, στην πραγματικότητα στοχεύουν στην προώθηση προϊόντων και την εξυπηρέτηση συμφερόντων: ειδησεογραφικά ρεπορτάζ που παρουσιάζονται ως ανεξάρτητα, ινστιτούτα έρευνας που ισχυρίζονται ότι είναι αμερόληπτα, μυστικοί χρηματοδότες και "ειδικοί" κομμένοι και ραμμένοι στα μέτρα των βιομηχανιών. Ποτέ ξανά δεν θα δείτε με τον ίδιο τρόπο τις τεχνολογικές και επιστημονικές ανακαλύψεις που προβάλλονται στις εφημερίδες και στα δελτία ειδήσεων. Και σίγουρα θα το ξανασκεφτείτε προτού εμπιστευτείτε τα λόγια κάποιου που σας παρουσιάζεται ως αυθεντία. http://entertainment.in.gr/html/ent/263/ent.67263.asp    saved here  here  and here.



saved mixanismoi.htm

Παλιότερα κυνήγησαν τον γιατρό και ομοιοπαθητικό Διαμαντίδη, ο οποίος δικαιώθηκε μετά από πολλά χρόνια δικαστικών αγώνων ,εφόσον αποδείχθηκε ότι καμμία από τις κατηγορίες που του απέδιδαν δεν ευσταθούσε

........ Παλιότερα κυνήγησαν τον γιατρό και ομοιοπαθητικό Διαμαντίδη, ο οποίος δικαιώθηκε μετά από πολλά χρόνια δικαστικών αγώνων ,εφόσον αποδείχθηκε ότι καμμία από τις κατηγορίες που του απέδιδαν δεν ευσταθούσε ........ http://www.e-steki.gr/archive/index.php/t-6776.html    saved ak.htm


saved diaplekomena.html





"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true." -  Søren Kierkegaard

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." - Arthur Schopenhauer
Welcome to SCEPCOP - The Scientific Committee to Evaluate PseudoSkeptical Criticism of the Paranormal

SCEPCOP is the 1st Coalition of Researchers, Investigators, Writers, Truth Seekers, Freethinkers and Intellectuals united to counter and expose the PseudoSkepticism movement for their fallacies, religious fanaticism, unscientific behavior, misinformation, denial, suppression, bigotry and ridicule toward all data, experience or science that challenges orthodoxy or does not fit into a materialistic paradigm.  We do not support every quack claim out there, but advocate true skepticism, proper application of the Scientific Method, objectivity and unbiased open inquiry toward all paranormal and unconventional data.  We are the world's first counter-pseudoskeptic movement providing resources, articles, books, videos and an online community.
We support the proper application of the Scientific Method, which involves the updating of one's hypothesis to the fit the data, rather than rejecting any and all data that doesn't fit into an a priori hypothesis, which the PseudoSkeptics do, which is totally unscientific and the antithesis of the Scientific Method.
The Paranormal is one of the most exciting frontiers today.  Research into Consciousness, Quantum Physics and Psychic Phenomena, etc. explores venues that are unlocking the mysteries of the universe and gateways to other dimensions or levels of reality and consciousness.  These provide deeper insights into a larger nature of reality, revealing insights into the meaning of existence and spawning hope for a better future in which humanity's consciousness and awareness are elevated to new heights, transcending greed, lust for power, hatred, violence, ignorance, and the confines of a materialistic paradigm that keeps us living in fear.  Therefore, the study of the Paranormal is a key stepping stone for humanity's next stage of evolution.
However, standing in the way are groups of organized fundamentalists who call themselves "skeptics" but in reality know nothing about the true meaning of the word nor practice it. In fact, they've hijacked the word to mean its opposite.  Rather than inquiring, or asking questions to try to understand something, they seek to debunk, discredit and ridicule anything that doesn't fit into their belief system. 
Pyrrho, the founder of "Skepticism", intended for it to be about open inquiry and suspension of judgment.
And according to Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, a skeptic is:
But rather than suspending judgment, they attack all paranormal claims.  Hence, we call them pseudoskeptics (a term coined by the late Marcello Truzzi) for their actions and behaviors are the complete antithesis of what skepticism truly means. A "true skeptic" objectively inquires and seeks evidence, challenging all sides including their own beliefs (see here).  But these pseudoskeptics do anything but.  This person nailed them:
Similarly, this insightful YouTuber hit the bull's eye with this comment:
Therefore, in truth and by their actions, these pseudoskeptics (who call themselves "skeptics") are NOT open minded truth seekers who question things and are attuned to possibilities. Rather, they are ridiculers and prosecutors of anything that strays outside the status quo or challenges the official version of things. They are defenders of orthodoxy and materialism. And they will distort, dismiss, obfuscate and play "verbal hopscotch" to get their way.
They've hijacked the term "skeptic" to refer to the one who suppresses the act of questioning, rather than to the questioner himself.  In doing so, they've pretended to be the opposite of what they are to hide their true agenda, which is to protect the agenda of the status quo power elite and keep people remaining sheeple. See here for more info.
Additionally, they've hijacked terms such as "rational, reason, logic, critical thinking" to mean the "proper" thinking and behavior that supports materialism and orthodoxy, and rejects against anything that challenges it. That is not what those words mean of course. It's a form of mind control and disinformation. And it seems way too calculated and militant to be due to some accidental misunderstanding, ignorance or closed mindedness. Hijacking a word to mean its opposite is more indicative of a deliberate agenda, such as a disinformation campaign or form of mind control. If that sounds terrible, well, we are here to expose it thank goodness.
Furthermore, oddly enough, they treat Science as if it were some kind of authoritarian "entity" that takes positions and views on issues (their own of course), when it is in fact merely a tool and method of inquiry based on logical principles. In reality, science does not take positions or hold dogmatic beliefs on paranormal or conspiratorial subjects. People take positions, not Science, which holds no more views than my computer does. Science is not a living entity. These pseudoskeptics are projecting their own views and Atheistic philosophy into Science, which they hold as the ultimate authority, aka Scientism. (Oh well, I guess pseudoskeptics need something to worship too)
The pseudoskeptics have formed organizations such as CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, now known as CSI - Committee for Skeptical Inquiry), JREF (Educational Foundation) professional Skeptics such as Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine, as well as many smaller groups, blogs and online communities.  In media reports and programs on paranormal phenomena, these skeptics are often presented as the final authorities on the matter and go virtually unchallenged.  And unfortunately, most paranormal/psychic researchers have neither the time nor interest to debate these debunkers. 
So now it's our turn to form a counter movement.  Enter SCEPCOP.  As CSICOP was formed to "police the claims of psi", SCEPCOP now in turn acts to "police the pseudoskeptics".  We will debunk their arguments, and reveal their fallacies, misinformation, agenda, denial, inconsistencies, pseudo-dogmas posing as "rules of logic" and double standards, showing that they are not objective truth seekers.
Back in 2001, we were the first to write a book length treatise debunking 30 primary arguments of these pseudoskeptics.  Much needed at the time, it quickly became acclaimed in paranormal circles as a comprehensive masterpiece and first-of-its-kind.  And now he's taken it to the next step in forming the SCEPCOP coalition, a movement needed and long overdue, evidenced by the attention that SCEPCOP received from many paranormal websites.
Just to state for the record though, opposing pseudoskepticism does NOT mean that SCEPCOP endorses every crackpot claim, theory and fantasy out there. Not at all.  We believe in applying equal skepticism to both sides, as well as the objective weighing of evidence, for as you might expect, some claims and phenomenon have a lot of solid evidence to back it up, while others have little or none.
One thing to keep in mind.  All pseudoskeptics will claim to be true skeptics, just like all high pressured salesmen claim to not be high pressure, all liars and con artists claim to be sincere, and all politicians claim to be honest.  But as you know, ACTIONS speak louder than words, so the proof of what they are is in their ACTIONS, not words.  If a salesman for example, told you "I am not a high pressure salesman" but then proceeds to pressure you to buy his product/service, becoming pushy and not taking no for an answer, then what do you believe, his words or his actions?  Likewise, when a skeptic tells you that he is a true skeptic who is open to evidence, yet he displays all the characteristics, traits and behaviors of a pseudoskeptic, do you listen to his words or his actions?  The answer is obvious.
Anyhow, thank you for your attention and interest.  For a quick rundown of major pseudoskeptic fallacies, see the links in the left sidebar or start here
Then see the Main Treatise debunking the pseudoskeptic arguments and fallacies.
In the left menu bar you will also see links to my other debunking articles, links about pseudoskepticism and latest research and developments.
On the right sidebar you will see latest news and a variety of resources to aid your understanding.
Below, you will see some relevant and interesting videos followed by a list of our Committee Members and links to their work and research.
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"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands but seeing with new eyes." - Marcel Proust, French novelist